Summer, tips and remedies to defend against insect bites – Liveunict


Annoying buzzing, bites and sleepless nights: Summer also coincides with this. Here's what to do to protect yourself from insects and what happens when they bite.

Summer is the season when insects find the perfect conditions to stay at their lowest. Mosquito tiger, traditional mosquito, bees, wasps, hornets, etc., this season, they find themselves, in fact, in an ideal environment both for their life cycle and for the ease with which they can get food. Just think, for example, that with the summer, cities reach very high humidity levels, sweat a lot more and use clothes that leave large areas of exposed skin: for insects, the banquet is served.

this year is the mosquito tiger an annoying insect, as well as really very ugly. Its specialty is to sting exactly in vein match, triggering a great itch that represents the symptom of a localized allergy that in the most sensitive subjects can occur in a real allergic reaction. The tiger mosquito likes particularly humid environments such as containers for the water, where it lays its eggs that hatch just when the water has submerged them. However, they are insects with a very ephemeral life (a few days for males, two or three weeks for females) that do not carry viral diseases such as malaria or encephalitis

The "traditional" mosquito Whoever belongs to the hematophagous family, unlike the tiger mosquito, rather sucks the blood from the veins and capillaries, injecting, at the same time, the irritants that cause a local allergy. Larvae have a great ability to survive and live in brackish water, in natural cavities or in marshes, but also in areas where there are few organic substances (eg in car tires). Some species such as sandflies live in areas with canned water, from which they leave in the evening looking for a possible prey to hit. In our territory there are about 60 varieties of mosquitoes present and some of them only attack animals. The way of acting Hymenoptera which includes transparent winged and membranous insects such as bees, hornets, wasps and some varieties of ants, is similar to that of the traditional mosquito. Fleas, ticks, spiders, scorpions and lepidoptera also belong to this group. They act on the veins, injecting pharmacologically active substances which have a toxic effect on the tissues

Even if the bite of an insect may seem innocuous and irrelevant, it is nevertheless necessary to show caution and attention. . It is scientifically proven that the color of clothes and the presence of anterior wounds increase the attractiveness of insects. In these cases, it is therefore better to prevent their attack by using sprayers, zampironi and other insect barriers on the market. In the case where we should still be points, it is good to keep in mind that the reaction of is very subjective . In the vast majority of cases, itching and burning relieve themselves or with the help of an ointment. On certain subjects, however, ponphos and erythema may appear which disappear after a few minutes or may turn into papules which heal within a few days. A similar reaction would still deserve medical attention.

In some cases, an effective natural remedy may be aloe vera. Aloe is often recommended to relieve skin from sunburn, but is also effective in reducing the swelling and itching of insect bites. Some experts recommend using fresh aloe vera gel, rubbing it on the part where it is bothered.

Finally, there are the most striking cases that are those where following an insect bite produces a violent reaction that can lead to a true anaphylactic shock with glottic edema, sudden lowering of pressure, hallucinations which, if not treated in time, may result in death by suffocation. When the first signs of allergy appear, it is advisable to contact a doctor immediately. It is also important to keep in mind that in these cases, the drugs that rescue are adrenaline, cortisone and antihistamines to use as soon as possible.

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