Sun Sorge and Marco are gone? Frecciatina to Luca Onestini


2018-07-01, by Gaia Cavalluzzo

Sun Sorge, former suitor of Luca Onestini to men and women, began a relationship with Marco Cartasegna, a former member of the throne of Onestini. The Italo-American model on social networks could have launched a fair arrow to its ex …

Sun Sorge former suitor of Men and Women, was at the center of the controversy during permanence of ] Luca Onestini in the house of Great Fratello Vip 2. Both were engaged for a few months, but the Italian-American model decided to say to review to his boyfriend and start a story with Marco Cartasegna former colleague of Luca's own throne. Onestini, once out of the Cinecittà house, in December 2017, no longer had contact with his ex and started a new love story with the Czech model Ivana Mrazova known during the reality of Cbade 5.

The report between Luca and Ivana drew the attention of the media leaving the "betrayal" of Sun (which never considered this) and his love story with Cartasegna. Sui social but the twenty-three is back to comment by probably launching a frecciatina to the former Bolognese tronista. A user makes it under the twinkling social of the Sorge commented: "But you and Marco are still together? ". Piccata is the replica of the blonde Sun who specified: " Yes, only that unlike many people we do not feel the need to enjoy our relationship for a little visibility and content".

The former suitor held answer also to the many enemies who reproached him for being very often on a trip : "These people must be ignored, they do not understand the reality and ] try to diminish with conjectures that exist only in their minds or, even worse, probably in their lives. I've always traveled and continues to do so thanks to my work, to my family and, why not, to my fiancé who shares this pbadion with me, but unfortunately, the poor only know the hatred and the negativity in which they live. I hope for them that they find joy. "

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