Superbatteries, pay attention to the spread of the scary mycoplasma genitalium


The World Health Organization has repeatedly stressed the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance: in recent years, we have abused so many antibiotics that today, in today's world, in many cases they are no longer able to eradicate the bacteria. they became stronger and more "immune".

Antibiotic resistance is a process of natural selection caused by genetic mutations to which bacteria are exposed. But it is also the result of our behavior: precisely the excessive and abusive use of antibiotics allows resistant populations to proliferate and take over. Thus, superbugs resistant to antibiotics appear in this way.

Superbugs are an emerging health threat, especially in hospitals where they can withstand most available antibiotics, making it difficult and sometimes impossible to treat patients. with a weakened immune system

Multidrug-resistant bacteria (ie, multi-drug resistant) can cause a long series of infections: urinary tract infections, pneumonia, skin infections, diarrhea, sepsis . The site of infection depends on the bacteria involved and the condition of the patient.

Among bacterial resistant infections, bacteremia is probably the most serious and deadly. Klebsiella pneumoniae produces an enzyme called KPC in most cases.

But to this day, one of the smallest known and most fearsome bacteria is one of the smallest in the world, but it could become the next super-antibiotic-resistant bacteria, if it does not occur. Is not treated properly

It is mycoplasma badium, which is transmitted by bad, and can cause pelvic inflammation and reproductive organs, and infertility in some women.

"The infection transmitted by this type of bacteria, which would affect 1-2% of the population, is asymptomatic in most cases, so it is possible to be infected without knowing it

Very often confused with chlamydia, but the treatments used to treat this infection are not effective for mycoplasma badium, which therefore tends to spread more and more.

To find it and set off the alarm is the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV, which issued new guidelines on how to identify and treat this bacteria as best as possible , as reported by the BBC.

In particular Paddy Hormer, who is one of the authors of these recommendations recommend to make a specific test for mycoplasma badium, in order to identify it correctly and to ensure that the treatment has produced the treatment of the infection.

Recently, in fact, some tests have been developed to detect it. but they are not available in all hospitals. It can be treated with antibiotics, but some types, such as macroclids, are proving less and less effective with the development of resistance

In humans, the infection transmitted by this bacterium manifests itself usually by inflammation of the urethra. and pain at the time of urination

In women, on the other hand, it can cause inflammation of the reproductive organs, especially the uterus and fallopian tubes, and may be accompanied by pain, fever and bleeding

. To prevent badually transmitted infections, you must use condoms during any type of relationship.

In addition, bad mycoplasma is not the only badually transmitted infection that becomes resistant to antibiotics: it is therefore essential to avoid badual intercourse. unprotected to limit what becomes a real public health emergency.

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