Superbatterio is resistant to antibiotics. Mycoplasma genitalium: SYMPTOMS


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Superbatterio is resistant to antibiotics. Mycoplasma badium: THE SYMPTOMS

The superbug that really starts to scare, especially in the UK, has a very specific name: Mycoplasma badium, one of the smallest bacteria in the world, but which, if it is not Is not handled properly, could become a real threat.
Mycoplasma badium (MG) is a type of bacteria that can cause problems with badual dysfunction and pathologies affecting the badual systems of men and women.
Scientists have known this bacterium since the 1980s, but a recent study has shown that more than 1 in 100 adults could have contracted it

Superbatterio is resistant to antibiotics. Mycoplasma badium: SYMPTOMS HOW TO TRANSMIT MYCOPLASMA GENITALIUM

The bacterium Mycoplasma badium (MG) is badually transmitted and can cause inflammation of the urinary and bad tract in men and women. This germ can also be linked to other problems, including some cases of arthritis and, in women, pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility.
Mycoplasma badium seems to spread mainly from unprotected bad or badl bad, and like other badually transmitted infections, it can cause inflammation of the delicate bad tissue.
Such inflammation can make the bads more susceptible to the infection of other badually transmitted infections, including HIV.

Superbatterio is resistant to antibiotics. Mycoplasma badium: SYMPTOMS – THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT DISTRIBUTION OF MYCOPLASMA GENITALIUM

The countries most affected by the spread of this bacterium would be: United Kingdom, Australia, Norway, some states of the United States, such as New Orleans, North Carolina and Sweden

Mycoplasma badium: superbug resistant to antibiotics. SYMPTOMS OF MYCOPLASMA GENITALIUM IN MAN

The symptoms of Mycoplasma badium superbugeria vary by bad.
In men, Mycoplasma badium infection causes urethritis (infection of the urethra, the urinary tract leading from the bladder to the end of the penis). Symptoms may include:
• Penis leakage
• Burning sensation in the penis during urination

Mycoplasma badium: superbug resistant to antibiotics. SYMPTOMS OF MYCOPLASMA GENITALIUM IN WOMEN

In women, infection with M. badium causes infection of the cervix of the uterus (opening of the uterus in the upper bad). Symptoms are usually absent but may include:
• Abnormal badl discharge
• Pain during urination
• Bleeding between intrameteric periods, often after intercourse
Without proper treatment, the cervical infection can spread to the fallopian tubes (tubes ranging from the ovary to the uterus) and cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Also in this case the pathology may be without symptoms, but there could be:
• Fever
• Low abdominal pain
• Pain during intercourse
If left untreated, PID may result in scarring of the fallopian tubes and ectopic or tubal pregnancy (in the fallopian tubes) or possible infertility

Sex, the super-resistant bacterium antibiotics: global health emergency – HOW TO TAKE CARE OF THE INFECTION OF MYCOPLASMA GENITALIUM

The bacterium Mycoplasma badium can be a difficult problem to treat. Common antibiotics like penicillin kill bacteria by damaging the cell walls of a germ. But these bacteria do not have cell walls, so these drugs do not help solve the problem.
However, other types of antibiotics can be used, although many have proven to be less and less effective, due to the development of resistance.

It's called Mycoplasma Genitalium: The New Super-Bacteria That Resists Antibiotics – It's How To Prevent Contacts From Mycoplasm Genitalium

The Only Way To Fight The Spread Of This Bacteria Goes By good prevention. Here are some useful tips:
• Safe bad practice, using condoms
• Abstention from bad until the end of antibiotic therapy
• A follow-up test must be done to ensure that the treatment has eliminated the infection
• All badual partners must be contacted, tested and, if indicated, treated. Although partners have no symptoms, they can transmit the infection to other badual partners
• It is advisable to perform tests to rule out other badually transmitted infections

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