symptoms and remedies. Ministry of Health removes a batch of tuna veal from the market


ROMA – With regard to food products, it is now the turn of the Vitello Tonnato "Il Ceppo". This lot has been urgently removed from trade due to the presence of bacterial contamination by the known and dangerous Listeria monocytogenes bacteria. The pathogen can cause listeriosis, an infection that can have serious consequences. At risk everyone, but especially pregnant women.

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Contaminated lot
Contaminated meat of the mark & ​​# 39; Il Ceppo & # 39 ;, produced by the company Il Ceppo S.r.l. of Via del Lavoro, 8/10, 36010 Monticello Conte Otto (VI). The package for sale is that of TA 200 grams, lot number 181485005 with expiration date 08/07/2018. The identification mark of the establishment / manufacturer is IT 9 114 L CE. The reason for the booster, as mentioned, is the presence of microbial contamination (Listeria Monocytogenes <10 μ.f.c./g). The Ministry of Health warns not to consume the product and, if it has already been purchased, to bring it back to the point of sale for replacement or refund.

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What is listeriosis
Listeriosis is an infection caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. The disease is contracted following the ingestion of contaminated food. This happens more commonly with certain types of foods: dairy products made from unpasteurized milk, processed meats, cold cuts, prepackaged salads and fish.

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Usually, the main symptoms concern the gastrointestinal tract. If the infection develops in a severe form, the first signs can already be observed within a few hours following the ingestion of the contaminated food. However, even with longer periods of incubation, episodes of acute gastroenteritis with fever may occur. If it is not treated in time, especially in immunocompromised individuals, listeriosis can lead to meningitis or severe sepsis. It can also occur in a mild form with flu syndrome accompanied by fever and other symptoms such as fatigue and pain. All clinical manifestations can be treated with the use of antibiotics, but precautions should be taken quickly. The average incubation of the bacteria is 3 weeks, but it can run up to 70 days before the symptoms appear.

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