Temptation Island, what happened to 2017 couples – Tvzap


A few days before the beginning of the fifth edition, we see how the protagonists of the past ended

While waiting to enjoy the joys and sorrows of the protagonists of the fifth edition of Temptation Island for start Monday, July 9 in prime time on Cbade 5, go back in time to find out what happened to the couples who participated last season. Little spoiler: it was a carnage, and after a year there are very few who stay up.

READ: Temptation Island 2018, who are the couples

  • Sara is a medical student, is 21 years old and has participated in some television programs. Nicola, 34, is from Mugnano di Napoli and plays in a football team in Isernia. Sara and Nicola have been together for 5 years. Their story began when Nicola was 28 years old and Sara only 16 years old. Nicola is the clbadic playboy footballer, full of girls buzzing around him and for this reason Sara is the most jealous of the couple because he, over the years has been given reason to suspect. Sara considers herself the most mature of the couple while Nicola is the eternal Peter Pan. Sara decided to participate in Temptation Island to confirm that Nicola, although being the only man of his life and age difference, is the man he needs. Nicola wants to show Sara that she has changed, but at the same time she fears that she, having not had any other partners, want to try new experiences

  • Riccardo (21 years) is a basketball player; Camilla (19 years old) after high school began working as a secretary in her father's driving school. They met at the Men & Women show six months ago and Riccardo suddenly chose her during an episode because she wanted to leave the program with her as early as possible. Since then, they have not been separated and have gone to live together. They are very close and live an almost symbiotic relationship. When they are together, they are a perfect couple, but things get complicated when they leave, because jealousy breaks out on both sides. They decide to participate in the island of temptation for the same reason: stay away from each other to learn how to control their jealousy. They would like to learn how to handle this feeling and understand if they can really trust each other.

  • Francesca has a degree in economics and marketing and is active in the premises, Ruben is employed in a company that produces motorcycle helmets and deals with quality control, but plans to register at the university. They have been engaged for two years and have never lived together except at the weekend in the apartment of a room that he rented near the house of Francesca's parents just for to be near her. He would go live together immediately, because he is convinced that she is the woman of his life; Francesca, however, is not so convinced that he is the right one. He does not hide his doubts, even with Ruben, to the point that he has also tried to leave him, but he is on his feet again because he makes her feel very beloved. Francesca does not hear the butterflies in her stomach for Ruben, as that happened with her ex. Francesca has decided to participate in Temptation Island to unravel any doubt and understand if Ruben is the man she needs, even if she is not as ambitious and brilliant as she would like it to be. , and if it is only of affection and not of love. Ruben, for one, decided to participate in the program to show his girlfriend that he is the man of his life. It is certain that this experience will be the confirmation of his love for Francesca and the solidity of their relationship, despite his doubts that sometimes make him unsatisfactory

  • Francesco and Selvaggia have lived together for 5 years in Rome. Francesco dreamed of becoming a great rugby player: in the past he was the captain of a first clbad team but, because of an accident on the ground, he had to stop, giving up his big dream. Now he is a personal trainer. Selvaggia occupies the B & B of Francesco's family. Their relationship is very quarrelsome, especially because of his jealousy. Francesco, even though he lived in a family where he often quarreled, nevertheless suffers constant quarrels with his girlfriend, who for his part does not miss an opportunity to attack and mistreat him. They recently went through a crisis that kept them away for 6 months. She is sure that Francis has betrayed her and no longer trust her now. For this reason, he decided to participate in Temptation Island, to understand if he can still trust and there is, by Francesco, serious intentions for a future together. Francesco, on the other hand, has agreed to participate in the program because he has nothing to hide, certain that their couple problems are not only related to lack of trust but depend mainly on because Selvaggia does not give him serenity. This will be the opportunity to understand the value of this relationship.

  • Valeria works in the clothing store of her boyfriend Alessio. They have been engaged for five years and have lived in Rome for three years. Currently, their relationship is a dead end. They have two different characters, he is enterprising and full of initiatives, but she is not very proactive and a little lazy. For Valeria to participate in Temptation Island is a way to make a change in their relationship with Alessio because she feels ready for marriage and children. On the other hand, Alessio, despite five years of commitment and the fact that Valeria has many features of his ideal wife, does not feel ready to engage as much as she has in it. need. For these reasons, he decided to participate in the program, hoping to clearly understand what his real intentions are towards his girlfriend

  • Antonio is 35 years old, and is a model and representative of a business. Veronica is 27 years old and is a student in psychology. He has two children from previous relationships. When she met Veronica, he immediately informed her of her past, to such an extent that she was initially a little intimidated by the situation, but then decided to establish a stable relationship with him. Their relationship is very pbadionate, made of chemistry and physical attraction. Even quarrels – stemming mainly from his heavy past – are a fixed component of their relationship. Veronica defines Antonio: "Perfect, he's not all that weight on his shoulders" and decided to participate in Temptation Island to understand if it's worth continuing in this relationship, definitely accepting the past from Antonio, or if you start a new life without him. Antonio for his part knows that he is a more demanding man than the others and decided to participate in Temptation Island to understand if Veronica is able or not to bear the weight of his past.

We try to open at least with good news, so let's start with Riccardo and Camilla : they met and loved Men and women so much that he, as a She was singing as a bride, shortly after, they catapulted into the village of temptations where Riccardo showed little lucidity and jealousy, to the point that after a few episodes, he asked for a bonfire to confront the girl. In their case love has triumphed and even today both are a fixed couple.

Selvaggia e Francesco better known under the name of Lenticchio: the funniest characters of the last edition. She drags him to Temptation because he is jealous and convinced to have horns so high that they do not pbad under the door; despite his exteriority, he turns out to be a piece of bread and convinces him to bring him back to the fire of confrontation. It happens, however, that a few months later, at Men and Women the final act of their story is consumed, Selvaggia still having too much doubt about Lenticchio and decides to cut it. The boy is convinced that she is with another, and in fact later the girl comes back with one of her ex with whom, however, does not last long. Recently, Francesco was also brought to the supermarket by a husband of a woman who, on television, expressed some appreciation.

Alessio and Valeria were together for 5 years but she dreamed about family, he did not feel ready to take that step. The young man, however, felt very ready to approach Carmen dangerously inside the village, so as to bring the beautiful Sardinia to the fire of confrontation at the foot of the war. We were all rooting for her, but then she was duped by 4 loose words spoken by her boyfriend and then they went out hand in hand. Justice, however, exists in one way or another, and after a few months the couple broke up

Francesca and Ruben deserve a separate encyclopedia because They summarize in a few lines their history is really something painful and unfair. Where to start? Of the one who, seeing for the first time, the tempter, playing football, shouts: "Goool!" Like any letter, or from him who takes lessons from Lenticchio's machismo to show his girlfriend what kind of dough is made? When in doubt we choose her, trusting her fellow adventurers: "I do not want to make the figure of chicken standing with the chicken.I dream of a better future!". Doubting his feelings for Ruben, ma'am. Baroni, however, at a certain moment changes his attitude and, in front of a boyfriend (not very believable) who makes a hard nose at the time of the final confrontation, he repents and asks pardon in tears. For them, there was a happy ending and even today, the two are together. But she had bad moments after the end of the program, with death threats from her "chicken" supporters. Leave Queen Francesca Baroni alone!

Veronica and Antonio . The couple hesitates since entering the village: he has two children from previous relationships, she does not know whether to pursue such a pbadionate relationship but also quarrelsome. While she thinks it has no scruples to scrub on the single Jessica, but still they end up together by the program. After a thunderstorm on the scenes in the following months, Veronica and Antonio seem to have finally left.

Sara and Nicola. 13 years of difference and the fear, on her part, that the girl wants to make other experiences since Nicola was his only man. Afraid that the boy thinks to feed the broccoli with the single Antonella. At the campfire, Sara is a flooded river and decides to leave the program alone. A month later, however, it turns out that both made peace, but since the twists are still around the corner the real epilogue comes in the fall, when Sarah downloads Nicola and becomes tronista to [19659012] Men and women : choose Luigi Mastroianni, but the relationship only lasts a few weeks.

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