The 11th Nathan's Chestnut Joy Contest Hot Dog Eating Contest comes up with a record 74 dogs, Miki Sudo Loses 37 for 5th Victory


NEW YORK – Reigning champion Joey "Jaws" Chestnut broke a record of 74 francs and buns to win his eleventh title in the Nathan & # 39; s Famous annual July 4 hot dog contest.

California wins the famous mustard belt and surpbades the previous mark of 72 dogs and rolls that it slaughtered last year.

Heat was not a factor; The National Weather Service has set the temperature at 83 degrees with a heat index of 91 degrees.

For the fifth year in a row, Las Vegas superstar Miki Sudo won first prize in the Nathan's July 4th hot dog contest. 37 francs and 10 buns in 10 minutes in a sweltering humidity during the annual beachfront competition.

Sudo failed to win the 41 hot dogs that she consumed. last year but defeated Mischelle Lesco of Tuscon, Arizona, 28th wieners and buns.

On the men's side, Joey "Jaws" Chestnut, 10-time winner, will face another 20 men for the coveted mustard belt on Wednesday.

Sudo, 32, was a fan favorite. the crowd during his performance, which was slightly delayed after asking for water to soak his rolls.

George Shea, the long-time host of Brooklyn's annual canteen, explained that Sudo was particularly sensitive to temperature and the amount of water. uses all in c Thousands of participants, many of whom sported mustard hot dog hats, braved 83-degree temperatures and a 91-degree warmth index to attend the July 4th annual Coney Drive competition. Island. The bizarre tradition dates back to 1972, although the company has long promoted what a former president acknowledged as a legendary start date of 1916.

Fan Martha Pleasant, 41, of Franklin, NJ, has stated that she participated in the competition supporting her husband Dwight, who "loves sausages."

"We are trying to drop something from my husband's bucket list," she said. [ad_2]
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