the baby conceived with the first uterine transplant between homozygous twins was born


Uterine transplantation successful and miracle of life achieved: first baby born through a uterine transplant between homozygous twins. This could be summed up as did it happened at the Hospital Sant Orsola of Bologna and which goes around the world. Nothing, however, especially when it comes to medicine happens by chance. Participate [VIDEO] in the singular case in which a double uterine transplantation led to the design of a child was a medical team of international rank. The fact represents a beautiful example of love between family members. Yes, because the important gesture of altruism of a sister who chose to give birth to her twin, her 38 years old, her uterus, being born without him, was to make everything possible.

Already a mother of three children, she was eager that the other could soon realize the dream of becoming a mother

A very complex story

The story, as mentioned, ends in the best way to the Policlinico Sant? Orsola in Bologna. To come to light is a creature of 2 kg and 970 grams. He was born by caesarean section and now he and his mother are well. The way, however, to get to this point was quite complex. Suffice it to say that an operation of nearly fifteen hours had been necessary to perform the uterine transplant. The explant lasted ten years, the five transplanted to the University Pediatric Clinic in Belgrade in March of last year. An operation made possible, of course, by the great generosity of the donor, but also and especially by the strong desire for maternity of a woman born without a uterus for a conbad malformation.

The two sisters, homozygous twins, are of Serbian origin, but have long lived in Italy. The director of Stocholm IVF Clinic, pioneer of transplantation technique, Mats Brannstrom participated in this long and tortuous journey. With him other world-renowned professionals like Milan Milenkovic Miroslay Djordjevic and Stefan Tullius Director of the Transplant Division of Brigham Hospital and Women at Harvard Medical School.

Uterine Transplantation and Assisted Human Reproduction Necessary

After explantation and implantation, for fertilization to take place, badisted procreation was needed. [VIDEO] As in these cases, a cryopreserved embryo of the couple was used

For Dr. Brannstrom, the result obtained represents a milestone in reproduction. However, he himself points out that there is one type already achieved in cases involving a donor mother. In these cases, a percentage of 85% of births is reached.

That of Bologna is the first absolute case of uterine transplantation between homozygous twins. This, in some ways, was an advantage because it was not necessary to provide immunosuppressive therapy, since women are genetically identical. According to some sources, like "Bologna Today", the transaction would have cost about 50,000 euros.

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