the baby is born. Half a million compensation


of Marco Corazza

PORTOGRUARO – They did not diagnose the syndrome down from the fetus, the Auls ordered to pay half a million of euros . The conviction of the civil court of Pordenone (Judge Francesco Tonon) against the AULSS 4 Veneto Oriental and p obstetrics and gynecology of Portogruaro at the time of the facts of responsibility omission of the diagnosis of a genetic malformation of the child of a aged twenty years residing in the region of Portogruaro

dates back to the late 2000s. The pregnant woman turns to primary to be followed in the best during her first pregnancy. He undergoes the blood and ultrasound examinations indicated by the doctor, who limits himself to performing the nuchal translucency omitting to acquire the necessary biochemical data (obtained with the Duo test) and to treat them with the other ultrasound data in order to badess the calculated risk of Trisomia 21. In 2012 begins the court battle of the parents of the child, who rely on the lawyers Gianluca Liut and Ilaria Giraldo of law firm "Liut & Partners" to obtain the badessment of the professional liability of the doctor and the health facility where he was employed in the free profession.

The technical opinion provided by the Court and entrusted to prof. Carlo Moreschi and at the dott. Giovanni Del Frate recognizes the guilt of the physician . The outcome of the civil lawsuit filed by lawyers Liut and Giraldo, supported by gynecologists dr. Bruno Brambati from Milan and dott. Vincenzo Cara, a former primary in Portogruaro, found that health did not subject the young woman to screening tests and prenatal diagnoses.


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