The betting of the violin spider in Bomarzo, "It's like that that it has reduced me"


BOMARZO – A spider of a violin spider in a forest of Bomarzo: "It was a bad mishap, after a month I still have the consequences". The small long-legged yellowish insect, belonging to the species of arachnid whose scientific name is Loxosceles rufenscens, has been terrorizing the capital for months and now appears in Tuscia. A puncture is enough, in fact, to terminate the hospital urgently.

"I did not notice anything, I thought I had a mosquito spot – tells Isabella Onofri, the Roman victim of the violin spider, ] Il Messaggero Rome -. It was June 24 and I attended a protest in a wood of Bomarzo with friends. In total, from all over Italy, we were 350. After dinner, around 23h, we sat outside where a "ritual" was planned for the summer solstice. There, I felt two bites, one under the chin and one at the ankle. "

Too early to worry immediately, since the effects of the poison released by the violin spider occur after two days of the bite.The most common symptoms are extreme swelling with weakening of the part affected body, necrosis of the skin, severe fatigue, blurred vision, contraction of streptococcus and also complications in the kidneys, lungs and heart

they did not worry at first. Isabella until more serious symptoms appear: "I saw a fog and I felt a strong weakness – explains the girl – and I asked a friend who was with me: "What is that smoke?" and she did not understand what I was talking about. Then, the next day, I realized that I had to go to the hospital because the swelling of the bites had become extremely painful and the skin was necrosis. "

" An emergency doctor from Gemelli Hospital – continues -, seeing me these conditions, she was scared. I even contracted Streptococcus (a bacterium that is manifested by a sore throat and can cause serious damage to the kidneys, heart and lungs ndr ). I had ten days of antibiotics, had a sore throat, I felt a swelling in the inside. After the treatment, I went to an infectious doctor because the throat pain persisted. Streptococcus is still active. "

After about a month of his" meeting "with the violin spider in a Bomarzo forest Isabella continues to bring the consequences:" The sore throat has changed the tone of my voice, now it is more hoarse , and I became extremely sensitive to all insect bites, even mosquito bites, I react abnormally and before it was so. "

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