the cancellation of the competition, launching 1.8 million euros in the wind


The "cancellation of the competition for Trento Hospital is emblematic of the inefficiency of our system and the lack of respect for generous participating designers. 1.8 million in the wind. This will no longer be necessary. "With these words, the president of the Oice, Gabriele Scicolone, stigmatizes the decision of the autonomous province to cancel the design competition announced in 2016 and canceled last May by resolution 791 of May 9 of the Autonomous Province. "The procedure lasted 7 years – recalls the Association of Engineering Enterprises -: the call for bids for 4 competing projects in 2011 until the end of the year. design contest announced in 2016 and canceled in early May for which the 12 competing groups they collected the documentation on June 21. "

" What happened – Urges Scicolone – must make everyone think about how they can generate inefficiencies and diseconomies with deleterious effects in all points of view and for all the subjects involved. Here, it is not a question of finding a culprit and of determining whether it was right or wrong. correct, after the revocation of the project financing procedure t, end of March 2016, and pending a call, to organize an anonymous design competition in September 2016 preliminary for the same hospital campus. It was written in the contest notice and the 12 groups, of great thickness and technical and professional qualification, who enthusiastically agreed and willing to accept the risk of a possible cancellation of the competition, knowing that nothing could have been asked for in the future. In my opinion, it would have been better to wait for the outcome of the proceedings (unfavorable to the applicants in November 2016, but then on favorable appeal in September 2017).

"The regret and indignation we feel – the Oice note goes on – is due to the poor consideration of the work of the 12 groups involved in producing very complex project proposals, even beyond the preliminary level. and who spent a lot of time and resources on their facilities. From a calculation made by approximation, and by default, we do not go far in estimating at least 150 000 € the costs incurred by each participating group. This means that in the field there are 1.8 million resources thrown to the wind, since the competition has been canceled, that no refund, even minimal, has been recognized and that the proposals withdrawn by the competitors these past few days have not even been "All this – concludes Scicolone – represents a defeat for the city of Trento, which is considered deprived of 12 definitely valid proposals, and clearly shows how the combination Tar-PA That can explosive and dangerous for those who work in the profession.But especially what happened is a lack of respect evident at the beginning, ie at the time of the competition, for the work of the 12 competing groups and is the sign of superficiality that stems from the debasement of the concept of "Project" underestimated project funding and considered an almost free professional exercise in the competition phase. Beyond what the Administration could do to recognize the work done to a certain extent, as the Association, we will do everything to prevent this from happening, asking the legislator to protect all participants, even at the price of deserted and risky procedures like those of the canceled competition in Trento ".


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