The case in Padua – "They have me massacred": and the restaurateur denounces "4 restaurants" Liguria | culture


testoxixcollab, Qauttro restaurants, chefs, Borghese, complaint, Bovolato, Gourmetteria

  The team of Daniele Bovolato with Borghese

The team of Daniele Bovolato with Borghese

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Genoa – What could have been a good opportunity to advertise and have more visibility by participating in "4 Restaurants", one of the most beloved programs kitchens, has turned out to be a resounding boomerang. To the point of bringing the question in court

According to the reports of Il Mattino di Padova, Daniele Bovolato, owner of the Gourmetteria in via Zabarella, in the Venetian city, would feel damaged by the participation in famous program directed by the famous leader Alessandro Borghese on Sky Uno: "They m mbadacred me and I confided to a lawyer to protect the image of my restaurant. I was so involved … I wanted to retire, but since I am a correct person, I chose to stay, "said Bovolato, stating that he managed to" cut " certain scenes which, according to him, would have even more penalized. 19659005] The charges launched by Bovolato to the program, where in the episode broadcast last July 12 was placed last in the standings, are definitely "heavy" : "I can say that is a fully built program . They make you play a script already written. Until the end I hoped that they would get up again, but they really did sink, "said the restaurateur, speaking of prices and modified menus for Opportunity and therefore, according to him, does not correspond to reality.

a post of the restaurant on Facebook (before the controversy)

Replication of the program

But the production of the program is not there and denies the accusations brought by Bovolato. Fabrizio Ievolella, CEO of DryMedia srl, producer of the program, says: "We have reached the 5th edition of 4 restaurants whose success is also due to the fact that, in the realization of each episode, all the restaurateurs are left with total freedom to express themselves and their personality and professionalism as they see fit and to freely formulate their own judgments, if the opinions of the other participants and the outcome of the episode have influenced Daniele's sensitivity Bovolato, we're sorry, but that's part of the game, and categorically reject the fact that Mr. Bovolato would have led us to cut scenes deemed inappropriate by him following a meeting with his lawyer.More than 200 restaurateurs before Mr. Bovolato himself are subject to the judgment of colleagues and also who came last in the ranking of each episode took note to find ideas for improvement and continued so activity often taking advantage of the considerable visibility gained.

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