The chimpanzee finds the couple who saved it, the meeting moves


He was born suffering from a severe form of pneumonia and for this reason, his mother had him give up but during the first months of life he had been a couple of veterinarians to take care of him, save his life. If today Limbani it is the name of chimpanzee is one of the most famous animals of the Miami Zoo in Florida, it must without doubt Jorge Sanchez and his wife Tania

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With them, indeed, the animal healed and grew up, before being transferred to the Zoological Wildlife Foundation, where he became a real star, including the web (has an account Instagram in which he does a little bit of everything and is followed by more than 200 thousand people). Two months after his arrival in Miami, Limbani could review Tania and Jorge: the meeting is really exciting with the chimpanzee who appeared absolutely happy about it. kiss again his "adoptive parents".

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