the concert of Al Bano and Romina Power also jumps


The voice was already in the air and, despite all the desperate attempts of the singers and the involvement of the municipal administration of Rimini, the concert of the Beat Village on the wharf where they should have play Al Bano and Romina Power jumped. In the afternoon, after the sound-check, the two artists understood that they would not be paid by the organization and, reluctantly, they decided not to play. "For our fans – they said – we would go on stage for free, but it appeared that the organizer had not even paid the serivce and, as a result, the engineers announced that they would have disconnected the current ". A hectic afternoon, then, not to disappoint the couple's fans from all over Italy and also from Europe, but at 7:30 pm, the urgent press conference was convened by the city to give the official announcement.

Al Bano: "These people must be erased from the environment, they are only creating damage" The video

"Willer Dolorati of Dock Production Ltd – the counselor Jamil Sadegholvaad explained for the 39 – administration – betrayed us and we will immediately withdraw our patronage and at the same time do not exclude the lawsuits for what happened.This behavior is a serious damage to the image of Rimini. of the event created a mirror for the larks and then not pay any one or almost. We know, from the email that arrived Thursday morning, that even the Siae has a not indifferent credit "

" In many years of career – they explained Al Bano and Romina Power – it's the first time we come to a similar thing.We are sorry for our fans but we tried to do all that was our power to open the concert. "

A event that, as also explained Commissioner Sadegholvaad, the City in agreement with the two artists will try every way to propose. Meanwhile, the next dates of Beat Village will probably not be offered after, yet today, other artists have lost because the organization has not honored their cachet. At the dock, where should have been the concert of Al Bano and Romina Power, there are hundreds of angry fans who have paid a ticket of 90 euros to watch and who will probably be reimbursed. In order to guarantee public order, the Carabinieri and the State Police intervened

"Mr. Carrisi – declares Willer Dolorati, contacted by telephone – was informed 4 days ago of the conditions in which he would have been paid and should have come to the stamp for more than 95 thousand euros.We offered to pay him the whole collection of the evening and the tickets already given in advance and accepted.In addition to that, he was welcomed at the Grand Hotel with his daughters and, the organization also paid the halls for the 16 musicians, and at 4 pm on Thursday, in agreement with him, we regularly opened and continued the sale of the last tickets until 39, that at 19 hours, he calls me to cancel the concert.This Beat Village experience ends definitively and, in addition to confirming that all tickets sold will be refunded, I reserve the right to protect myself legally for the claims of the singer ".

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