The concert of Rimini, Al Bano and Romina at Beat Village is canceled. "It was a trap"


Rimini, July 26, 2018 – Even Al Bano and Romina will not perform on the Beat Village stage in Darsena. The concert, scheduled for tonight at 10 pm, was canceled by the artists themselves, who recently held a press conference at the Grand Hotel in Rimini to explain the reasons for this decision: "In 50 years of career something like this happened – they thundered Al Bano and Romina – we tried by all means to go on stage to respect the fans, but when it was clear that besides us, even the technicians and the workers were not paid by the organizers, we decided to cancel the concert. Sorry, because the fans came from all over Italy, even from Russia, but unfortunately it turned out to be quite a trap and to think that the organizer Willer Dolorati, until recently, was still there to add chairs for the spectators. "

municipality of Rimini, which despite initial doubts, sponsored the event After the organizers had sent him all the contracts signed by the various artists, he spoke by Councilor Jamil Sadegholvaad: "These organizers have created damage to everyone. We thank Al Bano and Romina who tried to perform until the end. Together with them we try to find another date to recover the lost concert. During all this time at the pier, an angry mob demanded the ticket money to cry "shame!".

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