Istat Report on Mental Health. Better data than in the rest of Europe, but the values ​​double in the elderly. Record of students with disabilities at school: there are 170 thousand, and two out of three have intellectual disorders

  Depression in Italy affects 2.8 million people: women and unemployed most at risk [19659003] ROME - </strong> It is depression the most widespread mental disorder among Italians, affecting 2.8 million people. A growing disease especially in the elderly. And even though Italy is one of the least depressed EU countries (5.5% vs. 7.1% of the EU average), among the more 65 years this double value (11.6% against 8.8% of the EU average). Then, in the elderly, depressive disorders and severe anxiety are often badociated with other chronic diseases, and in women over 80 years, one in seven suffers from dementia or disease. # 39; Alzheimer's. </p>
<p>  The disorder affects women and those who do not work to a greater extent. Looking at the data by bad, the rate of depression of women is almost twice as high as that of men (9.1% versus 4.8%). In terms of work, in the population aged 35 to 64, 8.9% of the unemployed and 10.8% of the inactive and 9% of the working population declare anxious and depressive disorders. The ISTAT traces the image that, in the report "Mental health at different stages of life – 2015-17", also highlights another fact: Italian schools are more and more likely to welcome disabled students, especially mental health, which reaches 170,000. </p>
<p>  For the 2016-17 school year, according to the statistics institute, "students with disabilities represent about 3% of school students at all levels and those with intellectual disabilities are equal to 2 students with disabilities. "3 Thus, out of every 100 students supported, 8.8% had sensory disabilities, 11.6% had motor disabilities and 19.4% had difficulty communicating. speech but the dominant part is precisely represented by intellectual disabilities: 23.9% have an overall disorder of the development of psychological development, 45.4% an intellectual disability, 17.3% suffer from behavioral disorders and disorders. beware, 16.5% of the troubles </p>
<p>  It is also estimated that children with mental disorders at the developmental age of residential facilities are 11 in 100,000 resident children: as a result, 1,064 children and children with mental disorders inpatient institutions, mainly men. However, according to the institute, "the supply of beds has considerable territorial differences: the maximum levels are in the northeastern regions, with 25 beds per 100 thousand underage residents" while at the same time. South we do not exceed "the threshold of 11 per 100 thousand". </p>
<p>  ISTAT also examines addictions to drugs, which is an "important manifestation of the disruption of the mental sphere". In 2016, researchers at the institute explained: "There are 108 hospitalizations for drug-related diagnoses per million inhabitants (in absolute terms 6,575, + 10% over 2015), an increase over the last three years, especially among 15-year-olds. Finally, the statistics institute shed light on suicides: in Italy, they are "fewer in number than in Europe, but among young people, they cause the death of 8". In 2016, approximately 800,000 people aged 18 and over received treatment in the Departments of Mental Health (Dsm). </span></p>
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mental disorders