The Diet passes ASL Napoli 2 North in schools and territorial dispensaries – Naples Village



NAPLES – A project of ASL Napoli 2 North will start, which will make available to the population of ASL Napoli 2 North twelve nutritionist biologists to whom will be entrusted the task of structuring specific diets to prevent lifestyles and losing weight, to help cancer patients to adopt a diet consistent with the therapeutic pathways engaged.

According to studies conducted by the Department of Prevention, the population of ASL Napoli 2 North is among the youngest in Italy, but its percentage of overweight and obese children is above the European average. This disease raises fears of a high incidence of cardiovascular disease and an increase in the number of diabetic patients at a young age in the coming years. To remedy this situation, the health care company has launched a prevention project, able to offer services with direct access to those who wish to trust a professional nutritionist.

In addition, through collaboration with the school's regional office and at the request of many local schools, training courses have been organized for teachers and tips will be given to schools on healthy eating and nutrition. good habits of life.

The outpatient activity, instead, will be articulated in specific sessions that will allow citizens to be followed in a comprehensive manner by nutritionists in the ASL health districts. Through an adopted lifestyle badessment, a check of your personal body mbad index, nutritionists will establish a personalized prescription regarding the diet to be followed.

The twelve new employees of the health company were recruited following a special call for applications and are on average 32 years old.

Over the next few weeks, after a short period of field training, young nutritionists will open clinics in the different health districts.

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