The doctor is accused of treating a tumor with hypnosis


She's calling Married, is the wife of a beekeeper of Amarnath, in the province of Catanzaro and allegedly been the victim of a doctor who would have made her believe that she could cure a tumor with hypnosis. Her husband's name is Giuseppe Muzzì and his partner can not get up from bed and in a hospital in Milan, he fights a cancer "which, for three years, has grown in him" because convinced by his main caregiver to be able to defeat him with the help of psychotherapy and hypnosis. Today tells Repubblica in an article signed by Alessia Candito:

"I was completely plagiarized," writes the woman in the room with which he reported the doctor. A few years ago, it was he who "started" Maria with the so-called "Hamer method", according to which emotional shocks would cause tumors, which the body could destroy autonomously once the emotional conflict overcome. A "dangerous quackery" according to oncologist David Gorski, a practice that turns curable tumors into lethal forms – says the Airc – because it denies the use of drugs.

For its inventor, the Nazi physician Ryke Geerd Hamer, who had been struck off in 1986, traditional treatments would be part of a global conspiracy. Even Maria had finally believed it. "He read these books and said that the pharmaceutical companies have to be careful to create customers, not to treat the sick, and he's pretty much convinced, like what he's doing with this campaign against vaccines. – the husband says today – we laughed at her, we would never have thought of that.

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Dr. Salvatore Monteleone but he denies: "It was a free choice of the lady, she takes responsibility for it, I am not a scapegoat," he says. "That's right, we talked about the Hamer method, I studied it, I needed it to enlarge my mind but I do not badociate it with my activity. All my patients who need it go to the hospital, "defends the newspaper article.The question explodes after a woman visits a clinic in Milan where she advises immediate hospitalization:

But once again, Monteleone, with her partner, would have convinced Maria to give up the treatment. "Taking advantage of my self-confidence, as well as my state of psychophysical weakness, plagiardomi, I advised to return to Calabria as they would take care of me." For months, they "healed" the woman only with psychotherapy sessions, hypnosis and high doses of painkillers.

But the tumor grew, Maria was increasingly weakened and protests and requests for clarification on the part of parents more and more vehement. "He started to deny everything, he said that he had advised us to go to the hospital and that he had convinced my wife to sign a late release," she says. with anger.

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