The Dragon conquers the square


From the first to the last turn, the Dragon remains first, leaving no room for other districts

SIENA. Siena is tinged with the colors of the Dragon and the Palio of Emilio Giannelli flies in his neighborhood! In absolute silence the voice of the worker who calls the districts: Goose, Tartuca, Lupa, Nicchio, Porcupine, Giraffa, Leocorno, Drago, Montone and Chiocciola in his pursuit

La Mossière immediately calls for calm and repeats "in your place" "Do not force", "calm down". Between Nicchio and Montone there is agitation, the Tartuca does not find its place. All, according to tradition, to clarify, confirm or update the parts.

You return to the inside of the ropes. The Tartuca remains stubbornly behind the other neighborhoods and is called several times by the mossière to take its second place. The bustle among the ropes is palpable: the Montone annoys the Nicchio and also between Lupa and Istrice there is friction. First warning for the Tartuca, however, who does not seem to want to hear the references of the moss. Montone and Nicchio argue vehemently. The Tartuca remains to close the race and takes the second call. Given the quarrel between Nicchio and Montone, the latter takes the first call. The call to Tartuca to take his place becomes a song that repeats itself again and again, but the Tartuca remains firm, motionless to block the starting point.

Mossiere Magni continues to refer to the Gialloturch district.

All out.

Silence accompanies the return of the Contrade between the strings but the music does not change and the Tartuca remains obstinately to block the race and does not take its second position. The rival remains stuck. Also the ninth place of Montone is not long contemplated.

After 25 minutes of movement, no change or possibility of movement is seen. The Tartuca takes the third official reminder (which would technically be the fourth) but it seems that the move is not ripe. Montone does not respect his place and remains diverted or moves to annoy the Nicchio. Magni calls him several times.

All out

The barbarians are called in the round to help the horses after half an hour of movement

The calls are always the same. La Tartuca remains high and Montone remains close to Nicchio. La Tartuca continues to collect reminders. The movement is triggered but it is not valid, as sanctioned by the mortaretto

Forty-five minutes from the entrance of the horses from the entrance, one returns among the ropes.

The Mossiere strikes to recall the Contrade to the places badigned by fate. The Tartuca even comes out of the sofa, stubbornly remaining to block the snail in pursuit.

At 8:29 pm again, all out. The barbarians return to the track to dry the moist coat of horses

La Tartuca resumes its troubling position between the ropes and Montone does the same. The movement is given again but canceled again. The werewolf slips off the horse as soon as the sofa falls.

Good start. First Dragon then Leocorno, Giraffa, Goose and Nicchio. Montone and Nicchio fell. Always first the Dragon followed by the Giraffe. At the second curve of San Martino, the Dragon is always first and also at the curve of the family. The Goose is recovering very quickly and the Third of San Martino is still Draco, more and more approached by the Goose but, at the beginning of the Mortaretto, it is and remains Draco! 19659003]

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