the dramatic confession of Giletti on Fabrizio Frizzi


"They wanted more": The dramatic confession of Giletti about Fabrizio Frizzi

A few hours ago Mbadimo Giletti gave a long interview to the magazine & # 39; In Famiglia & # 39 ;. In addition to telling his satisfaction about the work done at 7 with "This is not the arena" the well-known orchestral conductor also talked about the face-to-face that he had with Fabrizio Corona . He also threw small poison arrows at Rai and unveiled a secret about his dear friend and colleague Fabrizio Frizzi .

Mbadimo Giletti publishes an unparalleled interview of the weekly 'In Famiglia & # 39;

Without hair on the tongue, Mbadimo Giletti said that he had put away suffering for being forced to choose another path that would allow me to continue doing his job. The host said that he liked Rai very much because he had been working for many years. Then he also said that at the 7th he is quite free because the publisher Cairo did not ask him anything and he did not ask for anything. do not wait for TV ratings. Then the child of fifty-two years changed the subject by speaking of a very painful key, namely the death of Fabrizio Frizzi

"We grew up together and for me it was very difficult to overcome what happened.He was a decent person in a world where being respectable is increasingly difficult ",

Mbadimo Giletti declared

Mbadimo Giletti: the painful context on Fabrizio Frizzi and Rai

Mbadimo Giletti, also said that their relationship was based on honesty and that what happened last April was very painful. He also stated that he and the husband of Carlotta Mantovan confided in the most difficult moments when the RAI no longer wanted Frizzi in his company.

people forget, but I do not do it ",

concluded the presenter of the La7 show " This is not the arena ". Show will be back on the air after the summer holidays, or in September 2018.

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