The ego of Francis Ngannou is out of control, according to Dana White


Of all the fights that could have been stinks on the UFC 226 map, few would have thought it would be Francis Ngannou's heavy tilt against Derrick Lewis. But it was scary, to the point that the most entertaining aspect was roasting Rogan.

Subsequently, at the post-fight press conference, Dana White, president of the UFC, had a word to describe the fight.

"Horrible," he said.

As for who was to blame, he defended Derrick Lewis while throwing Francis Ngannou firmly under a big bus.

"I think [Ngannou] had a pretty quick rise here and obviously the fight on Alistair Overeem catapulted him, everyone was talking about him," White said. "I thought he was going to be next guy [big] I think his ego ran away with him a lot of time, I can tell you that his ego really fled with him. Where does this happen to you in the fighting game, you see what happens … you start falling apart. "

" I've had personal encounters with him, like d & rsquo; other people in the organization, and the ego of this man was so out of control, "White continued. "It's as if, before the fight of Stipe, he took off and went to France, did not even really train for that fight, and you see the results. he came back and trained [this time] but the ego is what hurt Francis Ngannou. "

It's two fights away now that White has buried Ngannou. It was a bit debatable after the defeat of Stipe Miocic at UFC 220, but a little more understandable now with White going deeper into Ngannou's decision to make a trip to France. (Just keep in mind, the fighters, that White is not above revealing the intimate details of your camp as it takes place at the Performance Institute.) [19659008] And hey, I'm not about to defend Ngannou after the egg that he's laid in the cage tonight, but I have to wonder if that's just another example of Dana White burying a fighter by the time they do not seem like Next Big Thing anymore. Your thoughts, Maniacs?

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