the first study of eight Italians who remember every detail of their lives


Being able to remember in detail every day of one's life is virtually impossible. But some people are able to focus, in their minds, on all their memories, characterized by extraordinary precision, even in the smallest details. We are talking about special topics endowed with an incredible ipermemoria that were put under observation, for the first time, thanks to recent scientific research, conducted using detailed magnetic resonance , of functional type, to understand the complex brain mechanisms [VIDEO] capable of determining this rare capacity related to memory

The results of the study on hypermemoire

Lo study on capabilities related to super memoria it was recently organized in Italy and, in particular, in Rome at the Santa Lucia Irccs Foundation and involved, in parallel, several research centers, including the University of California, University of Perugia and health.

The researchers followed, with careful monitoring, eight subjects with a particular hypermemory. The selection took place through the identification of particular features that denoted the exceptional nature of memory related to a series of events that took place even 10 years ago and in the total absence of 39 efforts or hesitations to remember every detail. The study was conducted using specific fMRI scans (functional magnetic resonance imaging), in which patients were asked to recall various events in their lives that occurred in recent years or years. last years. On the detailed examination of their brain, objective and functional differences emerged, especially in the phase of access to the particular memory and not in their subsequent elaboration, a detail that determined the decisive phases of the Study

Super Memory: The Functional Mechanism in the Brain

The study of subjects [VIDEO] endowed with these special qualities highlighted the delicate mechanism that lies at the base of our brain. Indeed, during the course of the researchers, it was shown that, during the phase of access to memories, the patients observed had a remarkable increase in the activity of the neuronal mechanisms of the cortex at the medial prefrontal level and, at the same time, , its close relationship with the hippocampus, in the presence, in particular, of distant memories. The results have come to the realization that this particular kind of memory-related dowry lies in the potential to access the traces of one's own memory that is not accessible to all. The results obtained by the study will certainly open up new horizons in the field of memory capacity mechanisms, providing potential indications on how to intervene in a more targeted way on brain stimulations, in situations compromised by particular neurological pathologies.

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