The former tronista Paolo Crivellin overwhelmed while he was in motion


Paolo Crivellin the former tronista of Men and women had an accident: to confirm the Gossip that was circulating on social networks at these times, was his girlfriend Angela Caloisi . While reading what he wrote about Neapolitan on Instagram, it was known that the partner had been hit by a motorcycle in the street and would have fractured a shoulder during the impact. After informing their many fans of what forced his boyfriend to go to the hospital Monday morning, the former suitor rebadured everyone saying that the situation is not so bad at s & # 39; worry.

Paul of U & D had an incident

"Monday started very well" – wrote Paolo Crivellin to comment on a photo taken in the trauma room of one Hospital in the morning of July 2nd.

The many fans of the protagonist of the last season of Men and Women [VIDEO] were immediately alarmed when they saw the picture that the tronista uploaded in his "Instagram Stories" a few days ago. hours.

While on social networks, there was an endless series of inquiries about what had happened to the young man, his girlfriend used his personal profile to clarify things. "Girls, I know you are in thought." Paolo was invested in the movement but it should not be something serious, perhaps a shoulder fracture on the web a short time ago

"We are waiting for the results of the investigations, we will tell you later" – concluded the Neapolitan in the short but clear message with which he tried to explain what happened to his half. What are the health conditions of Crivellin, we do not know yet; in fact, at the time of writing, neither he nor the one who chose in front of the cameras have given more information about it

Paolo and Angela: love continues to grow even after the men and women

'love between Paolo Crivellin and Angela Caloisi, was born during the season of Men and Women finished there About a month ago: the tronista, after a journey of acquaintance he has long preferred, he preferred the Neapolitan to Marianna Apicerno.

The boy, moreover, was the first protagonist of the clbadic throne [VIDEO] to choose far from the television studios where Maria De Filippi's transmission is recorded; after spending a day and a night in a villa with the two pretenders left behind. In fact, the former "single" of Temptation Island 4 told the lucky woman that she would become her new girlfriend in a place of dream

A few months after this romantic moment, the relationship between Paolo and Angela, it seems more solid than ever; despite the gossip about their alleged breakup, the two lovebirds continue to live and love more than the first day, between holidays in beautiful places and in normal daily life.

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