The group – Simple Minds, July 11 Genoa: "We do not want to end up in a museum, we live on stage" | Liguria | culture


  Charlie Burchill and Jim Kerr

Charlie Burchill and Jim Kerr

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Genoa – Frontman Jim Kerr and guitarist Charlie Burchill, founders of Simple Minds in 1977, united by a fraternal relationship, see the world with the same eyes, with the same poem: "We are here Known when we were 8 years old, with the time we developed the same musical tastes, at the beginning of the career we listened to the Talking Heads with curiosity and we hoped one day to collaborate with David Bowie: it is the magic and the dreams that we have brought here. "Kerr smiled. "Then in Wales in the '80s we worked with Bowie and in the next room with Iggy Pop," recalls Burchill. "Bowie also played in Barrowland, a well-known club in Glasgow. During life fell a star from the ceiling on the stage. The White Duke picked him up and took him home to New York, on the other hand he was "the man of the stars". Recently we returned to this place and the owners, without an accurate explanation and after more than twenty years since that night, gave us two stars similar to the one that picked up Bowie. It's absurd: it's as if fate, by magic, already knew our whole story. "

In" Walk Between Worlds, "the eighteenth album of Simple Minds, released at the beginning of Year, there are two songs, "Magic" and "Barrowland" that tell many, if not all, of the present of a group that made history by mixing synthesizers and synthesizers. pop, rock and new wave guitars The group, which has a second youth, will begin the Italian tour in Cremona on Monday, then will reach Rome, Macerata, Marostica, Udine, then close with Genoa, Wednesday, July 11 at the # 39; Arena del Mare in Porto Antico concert of DuemilaGrandiEventi.

For the Scottish group it is a return to the future: they played in the city of Lanterna in 1980 at the Palasport as l & rsquo; Peter Gabriel's shoulder in front of 14 thousand spectators. "We were at first, but from the first tours, we plane s a love for Italy "says Burchill in an almost perfect Italian" from Genoa. I remember the sea . In those years I fell in love with a girl from Turin, I lived several years in your country. Then I followed Jim many times in Sicily, in his beloved Taormina, where he often took refuge to find peace. " It's a matter of heart. " In Italy there is a special pbadion the audience never stops, sings the songs and it really seems to capture the soul of what we do, there is a symbiotic relationship Kerr said.

The tour is just like the cover of the album, has two sides : songs that recover the electronic pop groove of the first period, and other more cinematic and modern songs. "It's exciting to watch how the story of Simple Minds continues to evolve both in the studio and on stage," continues Kerr, "the suspended audience between the past and the present lives a time travel. "Magic", in fact, is a new symbolic song and is linked to the song "Sense of discovery": the protagonist of both songs is the same person who, as a young man finds his world and adult, more mature, rediscovers and she accepts. It's a mirror of who we are. " Just close your eyes and think dancing on timeless songs like "Do not" (forget me) "and" Alive and Kicking ". But life is today, in the face of museums. "In Edinburgh, we ended up in an exhibition that told the most important Scottish groups in history with pictures, records and other objects from the past, we occupied the largest space, but the most important place in the world. it did not inspire us, "Burchill concludes. beautiful recognition, but Bowie for example, on which he continues to set up all kinds of exhibitions, recent years of tour has not always been understood by the public, has regained fame when he took his retirement and unfortunately when he died. Yet, it was a giant, inaccessible. We prefer to continue playing, to being on this stage to keep alive the relationship with the fans, shouting "Hey, are we still there, feel the energy?"

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