The Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3: James Gunn fired from the direction of the cinecomic Marvel!


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The News came as a thunderclap

James Gunn Director and Writer of the Two Guardiani della Galbadia He was fired by Disney and Marvel Studios and will no longer work in the third chapter of the saga of Star-Lord and co

some exhibitors of the alt-right fringe, including pro-Trump activist, conspiracy theorist and troll Jack Prosobiec exhumed from the internet of old tweets – actually questionable – from James Gunn. [19659004]


– Jack Posobiec?? (@JackPosobiec) July 20, 2018

The CEO of the Walt Disney Studios Alan Horn published the following official note:

The attitude and extremely shocking statements found in James' Twitter feed are indefensible and do not conform to the values from our study

Let's do a little bit of ordering

James Gunn as you know, before you landed at Marvel Studios, he had a past, in part, they had very little to do with family entertainment as he grew up in the legendary Troma of Lloyd Kaufman . Activities that did not prevent him from working ALSO in the field of "family" cinema: these are the scenarios of the two live scenes of Scooby-Doo produced by Warner

In the beginning of his career – and social networks his attitude was resolutely turned to politically incorrect and his standard tweets, as well as messages on his personal website (long offline) were actually in line with the examples above.

As specified by Gunn himself shortly before the news of his dismissal was spread:

Many people who have followed my career since the beginning know that at the time I was saw me as a provocateur, I made films and made farces and extreme taboos. As I have said several times publicly, growing up as a person has also increased my work and my humor.

I am not saying that I am better, but I am a very, very different man from what I was a few years ago; Today, I try to sink my work in love and connection, and less in anger. The days when I said something just to shock and have a reaction are over.

In the past, I apologized for my humor because it hurt people. I'm really sorry, and I really believe in every word in my apology.

For the record, when I did these jokes, it was just words. I know it sounds strange, but I really think so.

That said, the truth in all honesty: I made a lot of offensive jokes. I do not do it anymore. I do not blame my past "me", but I prefer my current "me" a lot more and I feel a creator and a much more complete human being now. I love you.

The "unpleasant feeling" is that James Gunn's dismissal was a way of "cutting old annoying branches" that could create problems now that the company is under the control of the US authorities for the merger. with Fox

What do you think? Tell us in the comments!

We have seen the Guardians already this year in Avengers: Infinity War and, presumably, we will see them again in 2019 in Avengers 4 and finally the following year in the third episode of the saga.

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