the heavy charges against Sona and her friends


Men and women today: Mario Serpa furious on social networks, he lambasted against Claudio Sona

Mario Serpa by Men and women appeared in the last very angry hours on social networks. Going into details, the former suitor shared videos through which he sends messages to Claudio Sona and his friends. Fans had witnessed their flashback some time ago. Something, however, led the two to take different paths again. Mario now seems very angry with the first, but also with his friends. Serpa quotes Claudio and other people, including Cristiano. Surely, as at this moment they are baduming fans on social media, something really serious must have taken place. The voice and look of Mario say everything in the videos shared by him. Very hard words, which try to find even a little irony. We do not know exactly what happened between them, but it is certain that something managed to annoy the former suitor and columnist. In particular, Serpa wishes to say a few words to " True Friends " as defined by him. Mario asks these people not to be disturbed, otherwise he will be forced to throw a bomb. Not only that, the former Claudio Sona also speaks of a certain fact half an hour ago.

"True friends forever are stinging! Because you have little good of friendship.If you are a friend or friend, you can easily tell him if he made a mistake. Here's how his videos begin Mario referring to Sona and his friends. And here is the former suitor also talking about something that happened in the past. "And anyway the True Friends where they were a year and a half ago when what came out of the rabbit came out.You were afraid of the rabbit" . Mario then explicitly asks that he be no longer disturbed and advises them to think about his own life

Men and women, Mario Serpa against Claudio Sona: "From time to time he would put his face"

"I would like to tell my dear Sona one thing: who has sometimes put his face, rather than send his henchmen to defend him. " And here he explicitly names Claudio. From what is understood from these words, the former tronista would have sent his friends to talk with Mario. This gesture was not appreciated by the opinioner. These are only suppositions, since the Serpa prefers not to speak explicitly. "If you break the co … .ni again, see what bomb I throw in. Other couples, here you are open couples." Concludes his Mario videos, while fans ask him to drop that bomb.

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