the hidden side of Toxoplasma gondii


The parasite of cats Toxoplasma gondii would be able to inhibit our rational fears and increase the chances of pursuing entrepreneurial and commercial activities. This is claimed by researchers at the University Colorado (Boulder, USA), following a study of 1495 students who discovered that people infected with the feline parasite responsible for toxoplasmosis were 1.4 times more likely to "play an important role in business" and 1.7 times more likely to "focus on management and entrepreneurship."

It has been shown that the Parasite has the ability to change the behavior of the host and it has been studied for some time how human behavior might be affected: Epidemiological links have been found between latent infections with toxoplasmosis and road accidents. , slower reactions, risk behaviors and schizophrenia. It is estimated that the parasite infects about 2 billion people worldwide – according to a survey infected people have 1.8 times more "courage to start their own business" than other participants.

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Researchers, badyzing national statistics from 42 countries over the past 25 years, also found that the prevalence of Toxoplasma infections gondii (9% Norway 60% from Brazil) has been shown to be a "constant predictor of entrepreneurial activity". The nations with a higher prevalence of infections – they observe – saw a lower percentage of respondents cite the "fear of failure" as a deterrent to start up infections. A new business venture.

We like to think that we control our actions – explains Pieter Johnson, lead author of the study and professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado – but new research show that the microorganisms we encounter in our daily lives potential to influence us significantly. "