The higher testosterone, the more men choose luxury products


If some men choose and buy more sports cars or branded clothing, it's the testosterone that is responsible for it. The higher the level, the higher the preference is given to luxury items and design, and brands considered a status symbol, such as a Ferrari or jeans by a famous designer. This is demonstrated by a study from the California Institute of Technology, published in the journal Nature Communications. A logical result, given that one of the main functions of testosterone is to generate behaviors that seek and protect their status and prestige.

" In the animal kingdom, testosterone drives aggression, which also serves as a status. Many humans replace the physical aggression with a kind of aggression " Consumerism " explains Colin Camerer, coordinator of the study. Camerer compares the cost of this behavior to the cost and weight that, for example, the male peabad wears to carry and show his elaborate tail. "If you do not need to attract a partner, for a peabad, it would be easier to live without this tail, to escape predators more easily and to find food – more – men would be better off without spending $ 300,000 for a car, but by buying it they can show people that they are rich enough . "

243 volunteers aged 18 to 55 years were observed in the study, some of whom received a dose of gel with testosterone and others a placebo." In the first experiment they had to rank on a scale of 1 to 10 a brand of high social prestige and another of lesser prestige but of equivalent quality, while in the second they had to choose between advertisements for cars, sunglbades and coffee machines. In both cases, men with more testosterone chose luxury goods. " Among the animals, males spend a lot of time and energy struggling to establish their domination – he concludes – We do it too, but our weapons are clothes, cars and houses "

Wednesday, July 4, 2018, 22:58


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