The importance of protein in nutrition | PostPopuli


L & # 39;importance of proteins in the body of every living being, it is obvious that they play a vital role in every cell. vital functions and are essential in both the growth process and in maintaining the body of an adult.

In common jargon, they can be defined as i bricks of an organism, in scientific jargon, they are also called protidi, are composed mainly of amino acids containing nitrogen and follow a continuous process of demolition and reconstruction called "protein renewal", which requires a considerable amount of energy.

It has been established that in the body of an adult, the body 's proteins are, after water, the main component of the human body, in the following order: 14-18% of the weight.

Therefore, we need an appropriate diet to satisfy and guarantee a quota which, according to the indications of the Italian Society of Human Nutrition, is from 0.75 to 0.95 g / kg of body weight per day (for an adult).

The importance of proteins is therefore in the eyes of all food sources to badume them are:

  • foods of animal origin, such as meat, eggs, fish, dairy products;
  • legumes, such as chickpeas, beans, beans, soybeans, lentils and peas;
  • cereals, then pasta and bread first and foremost;
  • seeds and algae;
  • nuts, such as nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pistachios, almonds;
  • vegetables, among those richer in protein are spinach, cabbage and broccoli.


Obviously, each of these foods presents a different biological valueFor example, eggs rank first with a value of 100 and guarantee much more quality protein than a legume.

the combination of legumes and cereals This is often a great solution for those who want to limit the consumption of animal protein (eg if you are vegan or vegetarian) – the excess of which can be harmful, especially for kidney overload, as shown by many studies – while guaranteeing total biological value.

Another interesting possibility of protein intake comes from protein powder, used especially by those who train a lot in the gym or by those who still practice many sports: a large contingent of proteins is thus reintegrated, thus contributing at muscle mbad growth, helping to maintain this and that of normal bones, other fundamental functions of these bricks.

Proteins are often useful too if you need to lose weight: An increase in this quota for a while, along with a decrease in carbohydrates and fats, can help reduce body weight, fat mbad index and increase muscle mbad.

In the case of drastic diets or food choices, never underestimate the risks and always use specialized doctors.


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