Si Beyoncé and Jay-Z before the concert in Milan at Meazza stadium had Treat yourself to a seafood dinner, the Iron Maiden preferred a puntatina at the bar to enjoy the victory of the English national against Sweden in the quarterfinals of the World Cup: the heavy group British metal will play tonight at San Siro Racetrack, but is in Italy since Saturday and guitarists Dave Murray, Adrian Smith and Janick Gers immediately after landing at Malpensa Airport have asked to be taken to a club where they can watch the game. The choice, as reported by the local newspaper Prealpina, came across Gallo Café de Somma Lombardo (in Varese), where staff asked the musicians to pose for a few shots, quickly posted on the bar's Facebook page. "They are very humble, they were almost honored when we asked to take a picture together," wrote the local maids in the comments, answering the many questions from the fans.
Images Facebook / Gallo_Caffè_Somma_Lombardo
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