The island of temptation 2018, Giada Giovanelli may have had recourse to cosmetic adjustments


We met them in the last edition of Temptation Island the famous summer reality TV show of Cbade 5 by Filippo Bisciglia . Giada Giovanelli and Francesco Franco will be the next couple to abandon the Isle of Temptations at the fourth televised evening scheduled for tomorrow, Monday, July 30.

Giada and Francesco decided to participate in the program to clarify certain aspects of their life as a couple. Both are very much in love with each other but with a big problem: the jealousy of the boy and the desire for freedom of Jade. Will they be able to go home together, healing the gaps and the different relationship problems? At this moment we know that the comparison between the couple [VIDEO] will be very hot and will see both clash in front of the presenter.

These last hours to discuss are Giovanelli's alleged aesthetic changes. According to the followers of the reality show, the twenty-seven have retouched parts of the body.

The alleged alterations of Jade by Temptation Island

Giada Giovanelli is, without a doubt, a beautiful girl. Francesco's girlfriend, however, has been using cosmetic surgery in recent years. Recently, photographs have emerged before the surgical retouching done. During the third episode of Temptation Island, Giovanelli "is self-celebrated" during the bonfire. S addressing the reality show host, he did not hesitate to express his reflections on his aesthetic qualities: "I do not think I'm a bad girl". Apparently, however, Giada's beauty does not seem to be the total flour of his bag.

From images released in recent hours (published in the photo gallery of this article) bad and labial retouches are obvious.

Giada and Francesco: the failed gesture

"Giada and Francesco will go out together"? This is the great doubt of a large number of spectators. As it will be really finished between the couple, we will know it during the next episode [VIDEO] which will be broadcast on Channel 5 tomorrow evening. Currently, it is said that both are gone. The index seems to come from their respective Instagram profiles: Francesco and Giada do not follow on social networks. In fact, the boy recently registered on Instagram but his decision not to follow his girlfriend could announce a possible break or, simply, would mean the respect of the rules which announces to all the competitors not to notice anything of 39; advance? We will know it soon.

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