"The island of temptation? My life as a couple is worth more »


Cecilia Rodriguez prepares to become Italian citizen . After the problems at Capri for the residence permit expired, Belen's sister solved the problems and prepares to obtain citizenship. But that does not stop there. On the weekly New admits that the whole family Rodriguez wants to follow his example: Brother Jeremias and his parents, Gustavo Rodriguez and Veronica Cozzani.

ALSO READ: Cecilia Rodriguez: "Me and Jeremias will ask for citizenship, we have Italian grandparents"

"We Rodriguez, having all the Italian grandparents – explains Cecilia – we do the documents to obtain citizenship but the bureaucratic way is slow. The authorization form, however, is complicated: to compile it I asked Ignace to help me and even he did not know what to do .

Mom was born in Buenos Aires but her parents were from La Spezia No problem for Belen whose application for Italian citizenship has already been sent and last March she announced that she would get it thanks to the marriage with Stefano De Martino

Little Rodriguez also responded to rumors that they wanted his Temptation Island Vip . "We have never been contacted by anyone – he explains – I have already experienced my romantic stories in the spotlight and I certainly do not need to participate in Temptation Island VIP.I do not want to jeopardize my life as a couple for my career. "

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