The luminaire of Palermo: "Even in Italy, you can do research of excellence"


He is a Full Professor of Hematology and Director of the UOC Oncohematology Laboratory at the Tor Vergata Polyclinic in Rome, as well as a member of the Scientific Committee of Airc and the Veronesi Foundation: the prof. Francesco Lo Coco was recently awarded in Stockholm at the 23rd Congress of the European Society of Hematology with the prestigious José Carrera Award, for having found a cure that defeated, in 80% of cases and without recourse to chemotherapy , promyelocytic leukemia, called fulminant leukemia for the speed with which it once killed.

A procedure now widely practiced and registered worldwide that has saved and will continue to save thousands of lives

"This research, performed by the Italian clinical group Gimema (to which all leading Italian University centers and hospital against leukemia, including major centers of Sicilian hematology), allowed to treat this acute leukemia without resorting to traditional chemotherapy, using two targeted drugs that are a derivative of vitamin A , namely retinoic acid, and a derivative of arsenic and specifically arsenic trioxide. Combined, these two substances can cure the vast majority – about 80% – of patients with this disease. "A cure, proves that excellence also exists in Italy, applied all over the world, so that" the drug is reimbursed. It also has very mild side effects compared to chemotherapy: there is no hair loss or serious infections. "

Prof. Lo Coco obtained his medical degree in Pisa in 1982 and specialized in hematology at the Sapienza in Rome with Professor Mandelli in 1985. From 1992 to 1995, he worked on the molecular pathogenesis of lymphomas in the Molecular Oncology Laboratory of Columbia University (New York) .He was president of the Italian Society of Experimental Hematology, member of the Research Commission in Department of Health Health, Chair of the Education Committee of the European Hematology Association, Member of the Nominating Committee of the American Society of Hematology, and Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Clinical Journals of the Oncology, Leukemia and Hematology In addition to the prestigious José Carrera Award, he has won numerous national and international research awards, including Sapio and Venosta.

Prof. Francesco Lo Coco receiving the Carrera & Award's Stockholm

Sicilian studies, universities in Pisa and Rome, experience abroad, return to Italy: would seem to have all the effects of the virtuous path that every scientist should do: "I do not think that going abroad is a mandatory path – explains the luminary of Palermo -: let's say that the experience abroad serves, I recommend it, but it is not Today, there are also centers of excellence in Italy ". But it is very useful to face different realities, in which research is easier than "in Italy" for the availability of means: more than for money, especially for logistics and money. It's mainly a matter of administrative support, let me give you an example: here we have to be concerned about administrative details – such as supplies of material – and so we waste a lot of time, withdrawn from research, including papers and paperwork.We now have the very beautiful laboratories in many Italian centers, and also in Sicily, like the biological tower of Catania in front of the new hospital.Structures and people, in short, are: but we are lacking on the one hand the financing and the attention of the institutions and especially the rationalization of the procedures that exist abroad ". And the doctor makes a ruthless comparison for our country: "When I was in America in 1992, the library was always open, day and night.Here, on the contrary, to save energy in August and Christmas, University labs and the university are closed.To come to work in August, my researchers have to apply for a special permit: but the sick or the sick do not close for the holidays – these are the problems, more than the spirits. It is not clear that the researcher must be put in the best possible conditions to function.It is like taking a football player and before letting him take the field, he would do a thousand other things: his performance will be less during the match. "

Not to mention the funding: " From the state come crumbs, most of the money comes from donations to badociations. And we have to thank the Italians and badociations, especially the most structured and the oldest, such as Airc and Garlic. When I came back to America a little over thirty years ago, I did not have a stable position, I was not even a researcher: at the Miur I could not present any project, while the Airc allowed everyone, even those who did not have a university degree, to submit a project that, if valid, is funded. And it is from Airc that I got the first funding that allowed me to do excellent publications and, therefore, career. "

A decision against the current, perhaps today more than back in Italy "New York – explains the Sicilian clinician – is a wonderful city, but it is a whirlwind: the ideal is to stay there a little, but not to live forever.And then anyway at the school of Prof. Mandelli went to Sapienza I already had a small group: on my return, I had already 36 years old, I was not very young and I thought – as it really happened – to be able to capitalize on what I had acquired. "Without repentance:" If I had to come back, I would would make the same choice. "Almost an" invitation "to the many fleeing brains, but most importantly, does not return:" There are both institutional initiatives and organizations such as the 39, aviation, aimed at recovering the so-called brains fleeing. Some, however, do not return because abroad the working conditions are much better: in addition to an economic benefit, those who achieve certain goals have the opportunity to have at their disposal higher. I will give you an example: one of my dearest friends works in a very prestigious Swiss research center. If he wins a grant, it is a competitive financing, the state doubles it. With us, it does not exist even at a distance. Pierpaolo Pandolfi, one of my well-known colleagues, is one of the leaders of the Harvard Cancer Institute: he has been in New York City for many years, and then Harvard offered him not only a competitive salary, but he did not go to school. is in charge of the logistics. house and school for children. The philosophy is that, as the university wants the researcher to produce at most, he solves all the problems. It's like when in Italy they buy a player. " It is sad to think that in Italy, this is done for the player and not for the researcher, as if in the scale of values, football was more important than medical research. A kind of "panem and circenses" modern: "He can write it.This is a little what the population wants, the same who unfortunately takes it with vaccines because she thinks that the Scientists sell smoke.It is true that for footballers it is a matter of private money, but the comparison is valid: a president or a company would never dream of buying a brocade or of to make his son play in a team because the spectators would send him to this country footballer did not score.It should be like that too in our world: I take a university that brings me funds for research, I pay well and, if it is a brocco, I answer ". In short, exactly what is happening abroad: "Absolutely.Competitions should also be abolished.I call a researcher and I answer: if it has brought me benefits, funds, patents, I'm using it, if it's a wuss, I answer.It's a speech that does not turn out, but in Italy it's not accepted. "And the thought can only run to baronies and nepotisms preferred to meritocracy.

So, what should a young man do today? "The most important, more than the experience abroad, is to have a good mentor.I thank my teachers, for me it was like that with Prof. Mandelli, founder of Garlic You must know how to choose, you must follow a person who fascinates and gives a strong motivation.If you remain "fascinated" or "shocked" by a mentor, a person who can be a teacher, it's the most important thing that is, and then it will be him – I'm talking about the teacher – to lead, advise, even if eventually go abroad, but the most important is to have a good mentor who knows how to motivate and who is fascinated by it. "Look for people who, more than power, have ideas: indeed," ideas and charisma. "

Sicilian, Prof. Coco claims to be "very attached to the island", but confesses to know little, having gone substantially to 18 years: "I must say with shame not to know that half, there are so many wonderful places that I have not yet seen from our island that I'm a little ashamed: we have so much artistic, naturalistic, scenic, architectural richness , I am more and more in love with my land and I try to know it more and more ". Even though Sicily as a residence and workplace is out of his horizons.

What would you finally ask for the new government? "Insufficient funds are not the only problem: there is the lack of co-ordination by a single body, a central research agency that identifies the forces on the ground, the sectors to focus on or develop and finally, coordinating efforts and initiatives in an organic way, he has been talking about them for years, but we still do not see anything on the horizon. "

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