The Measles Boom in England The Times Attacks 5 Stars and the League


The English Press Against League and M5S on Vaccines . A comment in the British newspaper Times severely attacked the two political forces in the government by badyzing data that more than doubled the cases of measles in the United Kingdom. In many cases, says the British newspaper, it is infections contracted during trips to Italy.

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The increase in measles cases in Britain C is a real "national emergency" according to an alert launched by Public Health England two days ago. The Times in its editorial pointed the finger at the "anti-vaccination campaigns of the Italian populist parties Lega and Movimento 5 stelle while they were in opposition". According to the newspaper, in Italy there has been "an increase in cases of measles which depends on a drastic drop in vaccinations". The editorialist then compares the "anti-scientific" policies of the League and the Five Stars to those of the National Front of Marine Le Pen or Donald Trump on climate change. "Ironically," concludes David Aaronovitch, Matteo Salvini "on the one hand is talking about the risks of imported diseases from Africa and the other is leading a policy that will kill Italian children".

Public Health England's research goes back to May, but two days ago the British Journal of General Practice appealed to the doctors of the British Mutual to not underestimate the "threat of measles" . The study points out that cases in the UK have almost tripled in one year, from 247 in 2017 to 643 in the first seven months of 2018.

Public health doctors do not establish no direct connection between our country and contagion of British citizens but warns that "people are in danger, especially young people who frequent overcrowded environments such as concerts and festivals, who have not received two doses of vaccine and who, unvaccinated, have to travel to Romania and Italy at the time (the study refers to the period during which it came out, ed) large epidemics "of measles.

But the data to which the study refers, in fact, would not be updated. " Immunization coverage against measles averages 92% in Italy. With regard to the alert launched in Britain, we will discuss with the British authorities " said the Minister of Health, Giulia Grillo. " On measles – he stressed – we will continue the work of protecting the community. Indeed, the high level of vaccination coverage remains the goal to maintain to achieve herd immunity. It must be remembered, however, that in Germany, for example, measles vaccination coverage is 97%, but there is no requirement for vaccination. ".

With the law on In Italy, however, the obligation noted, the result in terms of immunization coverage was and is important. However, when it comes to measles, we still have to work hard: not by applying sanctions, but by making citizens aware of how important vaccines are and how voluntary participation is crucial " . Today, " if many citizens do not get vaccinated or vaccinate their children, that 's because they have legitimate doubts that have not occurred. not clarified by the appropriate institutions. It is therefore essential to strengthen the information and vaccination services. It is clear – he concluded – that in this way the issue of extreme anti-vaccine fringes is not resolved, but they concern a small percentage of the population ".


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