the message for Simona Ventura and Niccolò


Mara Venier was shown to be able to give the right priorities in life: the presenter wrote a social message for Simona Ventura and for his son Niccolò Bettarini victim of an badault on 1 July last. Mara has put aside the disagreements, details of which have never been known, with the Ventura: Simona has gone through a difficult time, and Venier has publicly written to be close to the two nineteen, fortunately now out of danger, the parents, who have never left the elder. The young Bettarini was made to repair the damage related to the eleven injuries received: it seems that the surgery was the best possible

Now that Niccolò is out of danger, Simona Ventura and Stefano Bettarini have breathed a sigh of relief, is clear that he was proud of his son, who was attacked after intervening on behalf of a friend in need. While the attackers were caught, Niccolò can think of recovering, relying on the support of social followers. Among these stands the message of Mara Venier: "Forza Niccolò … I kiss you … a hug to mom and dad" wrote the new presenter of Domenica In, thus supporting not only the boy, but also Stephen and Simona

The friendship of Mara and Simona stopped a few years ago: neither one nor the other is Fell in the details, the fact is that the removal of the two drivers caused a lot of turmoil in the Vip environment, considering that both are somehow related by kinship. The Ventura is betrothed to Gero, the son of Mara Venier's current husband, Nicola Carraro

Did the tragic moment bring the two women together? Of course, it would be good to see Simona and Mara again: the two mothers, they share the affection for their children and a career always at the highest level. Both were able to reclaim the place that belongs to them in the world of television: Mara will return to the historic Raiuno show Sunday afternoon, while Simona will soon begin a new adventure to drive Temptation Island VIP. A moment so tragic, can it bring something good, like the reconciliation between the two women? Hope lives in the hearts of fans of Venier and Ventura.

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