August 1 is World Lung Cancer Day, a still-prevalent pathology that is not defined as the "big killer". First in incidence in men and second in women, in the last two decades there has been a steady increase in cases.
And in Piedmont, excellence in care and operations lies at the Molinette in Turin, followed by the Maggiore Carità Hospital of Novara and the Santa Croce Hospital and Carle de Cuneo . Nearly 8 out of 10 residents choose to seek treatment in Piedmont. According to a research published on the portal "Dovemicuro", which lists the most performing centers by the number of operations for pulmonary malignancy (data PNE 2017). In particular, during the past year, in Molinette, 141 interventions were made, while in Novara there were 120 and in Cuneo 104.
At the top of the Italians is the European Institute of Oncology of Milan (449 interventions), then the Sant Andrea di Roma (428) and the National Cancer Institute of Milan (398).
But according to the research still too many hospitals are doing excessively low volumes of activity with regard to lung cancer. Only 27% reach the 100 annual interventions set as the minimum national reference standard: threshold, however, revised in the 2017 edition of the National Program Outcomes of Agenas and increased from 150 operations to 100. "The volume of interventions is a measurable parameter that can have a significant impact on the results of treatment, "says Elena Azzolini, public health specialist and member of the scientific committee of dovemicuro.it He adds:" Agenas – the National Agency for Services regional health – monitors it on behalf of the Ministry of Health, along with other indicators such as 30-day mortality from the operation: the data confirm that there is an badociation between high number of interventions and favorable results. "
In Italy, the Italian public or private accredited structures operating for lung cancer number 147: 54% in the North, 19% in the Cen and 27% in the South., 56% were achieved in the North, 27% in the Center and 18% in the South.
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