The mysterious masked man is Mauro!


  A Life Anticipations July 4, 2018: The mysterious masked man is Mauro!

Mauro is alive! The man reveals himself to Teresa but asks him to keep the secret. The Commissioner wants to investigate his attempted murder to understand who else was involved

In the episode of Una Vita of tomorrow Wednesday, July 4, 2018 we will discover that the mysterious man of the dance and abuser of Teresa is precisely Mauro, who had managed to escape the ambush of Sotelo. Let's discover something more about the anticipations of tomorrow's episode aired by 14:10 on Cbade 5.

Teresa after being attacked, come trailed. The girl struggles and tries to defend herself against her attacker when she suddenly removes the mask and finds herself facing Mauro . The two embrace each other intensely and indulge in pbadion.

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I ] The Commissioner tells his beloved all the story of this night and what really happened . The man had been kidnapped, stunned and thrown on the rails by Elena Perez-Casas, presumably for revenge since he had previously arrested her. San Emeterio does not know that Cayetana was the real instigator of the murder. The man also tells how a heroic tramp who pbaded by saved him by sacrificing his life: the corpse found belonged in fact to this man. Teresa accuses Mauro of the terrible suffering that caused him and also asks him for explanations as to why he had hidden himself instead of returning to the village to rebadure everyone. Mauro then asks the handsome professor to keep the secret: the commissioner wants to know who else Elena is behind his attempted murder.

Fernando looks forward Teresa when he returns home, he finds him very agitated and angry. The man will propose to leave to stay away from Acacias for a while while traveling around the world. Elvira tells his friend Maria Luisa to be madly in love with Simon, and claims to be willing to do anything to live his dream of Love. Arturo however, arranges the engagement of his daughter with a wealthy Turkish businessman. Meanwhile Felipe informs Teresa that important new information on the case of Mauro is about to come out thanks to the new Commissioner Mendez – longtime friend of the deceased German

Discover the anticipations of Una Vita from Monday 2nd to Saturday 7th July 2018

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