The paleo diet as a return to the past


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"Alimentar-Mente 360" is a chronicle published by Dr. Sara Paleologo, a nutrition biologist, and designed to meet all the curiosity of the inhabitants of Savona in terms of nutrition and well-being. All with simple language but always keeping a light scientific footprint. "I will inspire events taking place in Savona and in her province – explains Sara – to develop articles in which the theme of nutrition will be treated (typical dishes, traditions and food styles) and well-being (physical and psychological), online by roughly projecting the treatment towards the aspects that most favor the health of the person. "

The Paleo diet is a diet that is very fashionable these days to be adopted by many professional and high level athletes. Basically, there is a goal to return to a food style close to that of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, but with some changes. It is clear that the paleo diet has been adapted to the present day by not being able to find food consumed in the prehistoric era.

This nutritional diet is characterized by 6 categories of foods:
-carne. Obviously, our ancestors did not eat the hamburger or breaded chop but, as hunters, they ate wild animal meat with a composition of fatty acids very different from that of animals raised nowadays. The ideal would therefore be to eat meat from animals raised on the outside and fed with grbad forage (without cereals or food). The preserved meat is absolutely forbidden but offal like the liver and the heart are allowed

. The fish must be strictly wild, preferably cold or blue. The fish that often appears in paleo dishes is Alaska salmon, but all shellfish are also allowed. You can eat all kinds of vegetables, raw and cooked. It is better to choose null and seasonal products

– fruit. With regard to vegetables, it is good to respect seasonality and to consume local products

– oilseeds and dried fruits. Excellent sources of protein and omega-3 fatty acids

-ols and fats. Primitive man has not had the opportunity to produce oil but it is an authorized condiment (according to the adapted Paleo diet). Foods to avoid are those that appeared with the advent of agriculture, then cereals, legumes and tubers.

The paleo regime is based on no doubt suggestive but, from a scientific point of view, unconvincing. In the first place, all claims about the diet of our ancestors are difficult to verify, so it is clear that it is impossible to find, today, foods that have the same nutritional characteristics as those consumed by our ancestors. Personally, I find that the Paleo diet is one of the many food crazes that cyclically take part of the misinformed population. Each of us is free to eat the best we believe however a balanced and varied diet is always the best choice. Good Sunday

"Alimentar-Mente 360" is the title of nutrition and well-being of IVG, organized by Sara Paleologo: click here to read all the articles


" Alimentar- Mind 360 "is a chronicle published by Dr. Sara Paleologo, a nutrition biologist, and designed to meet all the curiosity of the people of Savona in the field of nutrition and well-being. All with simple language but always keeping a light scientific footprint. "I will inspire events taking place in Savona and in her province – explains Sara – to develop articles in which the theme of nutrition will be treated (typical dishes, traditions and food styles) and well-being (physical and psychological), online by roughly projecting the treatment towards the aspects that most favor the health of the person. "

The Paleo diet is a diet that has recently become very fashionable and has been adopted by many professional and high – level athletes. Basically, there is a goal to return to a food style close to that of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, but with some changes. It is clear that the paleo diet has been adapted to the present day by not being able to find the food consumed in the prehistoric era.

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This nutritional scheme is characterized by 6 categories of food:
-carne. Obviously, our ancestors did not eat the hamburger or breaded chop but, as hunters, they ate wild animal meat with a composition of fatty acids very different from that of animals raised nowadays. The ideal would therefore be to eat meat from animals raised on the outside and fed with grbad forage (without cereals or food). The preserved meat is absolutely forbidden, but offal like the liver and the heart are allowed

– fish. The fish must be strictly wild, preferably cold or blue. The fish that often appears in paleo dishes is the Alaskan salmon, but all shellfish are also allowed. You can eat all kinds of vegetables, raw and cooked. It is better to choose null and seasonal products

– fruit. With regard to vegetables, it is good to respect seasonality and to consume local products

– oilseeds and dried fruits. Excellent sources of protein and omega-3 fatty acids

-ols and fats. Primitive man has not had the opportunity to produce oil but it is an authorized condiment (according to the adapted Paleo diet). The foods to avoid are those that appeared with the advent of agriculture, then cereals, legumes and tubers

The Paleo diet is based on arguably suggestive theses but, d. a scientific point of view, unconvincing. In the first place, all claims about the diet of our ancestors are difficult to verify, so it is clear that it is impossible to find, today, foods that have the same nutritional characteristics as those consumed by our ancestors. Personally, I find that the Paleo diet is one of the many food crazes that cyclically take part of the misinformed population. Each of us is free to eat the best we believe however a balanced and varied diet is always the best choice. Good Sunday

"Alimentar-Mente 360" is the nutrition and well-being section of IVG, organized by Sara Paleologo: click here to read all the articles

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