The photos confirm the story of love


After the experience of being shipwrecked at the Isola dei Famosi of paola di benedetto (shown on television as a figure of Mother Nature in the program & # 39; Ciao Darwin & # 39; Cbade 5 directed by Paolo Bonolis) she became the queen of Gossip Italian having experienced some flirts discussed. The most important, and chatted, was the one with his fellow adventurer in the program Cbade 5: Francesco Monte [VIDEO]. Both came out of two very important stories and lasting. Francesco of the one with Cecilia Rodriguez (little sister of Belen) and Paola of the one with the footballer Matteo Gentili (who then took part in Big Brother Nip where he fell in love with the beautiful Alessia of Turin).

Paola and Francesco had already shown a good feeling about the island but their story, though short, developed far from reality TV cameras. After the end of the report with Francesco, Di Benedetto had been photographed with a man by the weekly Spy. According to the periodical edited by Alfonso Signorini, the beautiful Vicentine had approached Pierpaolo Petrelli, ex. Velino & # 39; of the famous satirical program Striscia la Notizia. The latter had recently closed an important story with the dancer Ariadna Romero who made him the father of Leonardo. In fact, the relationship never took off because Paola was close to Federico Rossi .

Paola and the nascent love with Federico

Judging by a few blows published by the weekly "Chi", there seems to be no doubt about the name of the boy who stole the heart of beautiful old Mother Nature.

The photos represent, indeed, what already seems to be a very close couple who exchange tender kisses in the night without worrying about prying eyes and without hiding the nascent feeling. Paola Di Benedetto and Federico Rossi (better known as the Faith of the musical duo loved by the very young Benji and Fede [VIDEO]) are definitely out in the open. The jaleotti shots (published in the issue of "Chi") show the radiant vicentina, smiling and beautiful in a red summer dress while talking to a guy wearing a light blue hoodie with a hoodie folded on the neck but not hiding part of the face. The profile is just that of the blonde artist Benji duo and Fede. In one of the two photos, then, the relationship between the two becomes clear: the shot shows, in fact, a hug and a tender kiss on the lips between the two

and c & Is precisely Di Benedetto to confirm the relationship with a statement given in the magazine of Alfonso Signorini: "Yes, there we are known on social media, now we do not hide anymore" – said Di Benedetto.

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