The Pirelli Calendar 2019 wonders what women dream about


After the natural divas (by Peter Lindbergh), with the wrinkles, the rings and the signs of the time, after the models, the actors and the actresses rigorously colored (by Tim Walker) in the world of Alice in Wonderland, Pirelli Calendar still changes shape (and faces). version 2019 of the legendary The Cal celebrates four women and their dreams. And the way, made of victories and defeats, in which they came to achieve their goals.

Behind the goal is the Scotsman Albert Watson. Protagonists the model Gigi Hadid, the French actress Laetitia Casta the dancer Misty Copeland and the star of Hollywood Julia Garner. The photos were taken last April in Miami, with the exception of those who have Hadid as a protagonist, instead performed in New York. There are no bads


Cal 2018, In Wonderland with Naomi Campbell and Puff Daddy

The intention of Watson, who has more than 100 times of Vogue is to make and timeless stories capture them as if they were an author's movie set. Each of them has objectives, there are those who have already approached a lot and those, as in the life of everyone, ask if it is really worth it. The success makes us understand that the famous photographer, who also immortalized Steve Jobs and Alfred Hitchbad, is versatile.

Gigi Hadid interprets a rich, successful woman, envied by her peers . He has everything, but there is sadness in his glory. He feels safe only in his shelter, his home, where he can count on the comfort of his best friend and confidant (Alexander Wang). Misty Copeland is a dancer who, to stay, plays in a strip club. He has a boyfriend (Calvin Royal III) who shares his dream: to become a beautiful star. Laetitia Casta interprets a painter who dreams of the future of a great artist. Seeking success, he works as a waitress. He lives in a loft with his boyfriend (dancer Sergei Polunin). Julia Garner is photographer working in a botanical garden and photographing rare plants. He dreams of becoming a famous photographer. But it is not in a hurry: success can also come slowly.

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