Luna, Naomi and the Seveso Casino Palace they are the singers at risk in the third wave of the live quarter of X Factor 2018. Luna plays with "The Black Widow of Rita Ora". The working horse of the Seveso Casino Palace is "I come from the moon of Caparezza", Naomi shines with Nobody is perfect by Jessie J. The crowd at home saves Luna. Seveso Casino removed at the tilt.
After the performances of the three talents, Lodo Guenzi obviously eliminates Naomi and Fedez at Seveso Casino Palace. Mara Maionchi: "I'm leaving Seveso". "Tonight is an impossible vote – comments Manuel Angnelli – for the first time, the Seveso entered the bubble. Tonight, Naomi was not fit, just for that reason". You go to the tilt. The audience saved Naomi, a sigh of relief for Fedez who had risked a lot singing for Naomi "Crisis Metropolitana" by Giuni Russo. Lodo Guenzi stays alone with the Bowlands. In the next episode, we will listen to the unpublished songs of all the singers. Last updated: November 16 at 00:34 © RESERVED COPY
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