The real history of adverse reactions to mandatory vaccines in 2017


It was published yesterday on the website of AIFA, the Italian Medicines Agency, the 2017 vaccine report that collects all reports of suspected adverse reactions entered in 2017 in the National Network of Pharmacovigilance (RNF). The report was eagerly awaited because it was the first published after the entry into force of Law 119/2017 which increased the number of mandatory vaccinations for children under sixteen years old.

The number of reports is in line with the years in which there was no compulsory vaccination

In this last year, free vax and no vax have repeatedly said how the law was a favor for pharmaceutical companies that could have used Italian children as quarries to experiment with vaccines. Vaccines that, already marketed prior to Lorenzin's law approval, were already regularly subject to all the controls and all the hardships of the case. According to the apocalyptic view of some novax, the advent of compulsivity should have led to a vertiginous increase in adverse effects, particularly we should have witnessed a spike in cases of autism or SIDS. ; this even though neither one nor the other has no correlation with vaccinations.

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Before proceeding to review the data, it is just to make some clarifications and clarify the terminology used. When we talk about adverse events post-vaccination, we are talking about "any medical event occurring after the vaccination and that does not necessarily have a causal link with the administration of the vaccine ". On the other hand, reports of suspected adverse effects represent suspicion and not the certainty of a causal reaction between the administration of the vaccine and the subsequent adverse event. Coincidence of time does not necessarily show a cause and effect relationship. Especially considering that no matter who (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, patients, parents and non-medical staff) can file the report. AIFA stipulates that "the badysis of spontaneous reports does not make it possible to calculate the impact of reactions ".

One hundred undesirable effects per million inhabitants

We thus learn that the reports inserted in 2017 (but also concerning cases that occurred in previous years) 6 696 (16% of the total reports on drugs and vaccines), of which 4,821 (72%) refer to cases in 2017 (entered and re-established in 2017). The vaccine reporting rate increased from 7.9 per 100,000 population in 2016 to 11.1 in 2017. The reporting rate for mandatory vaccines was 34.3 per 100,000 population. The highest reporting rates were recorded in Friuli Venezia Giulia (54.5 per 100 000) and in PA Bolzano (41.2 per 100 000), while Veneto is the region with the highest number. absolute ratio (1,952, 39.8% reporting rate). The total reporting rate that is to say the one that covers all drugs, including vaccines, is 823 reports per million inhabitants. It therefore appears that the vaccine reporting rate is lower than that of other drugs. AIFA explains that the significant increase in the reporting rate is due both to greater efficiency of the pharmacovigilance system and to greater awareness of operators and citizens themselves about question of vaccine safety. We must not forget the huge hype caused by mandatory vaccinations that could have caused more parents to transmit the reports.

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About 80% of the reports that occurred in 2017 were clbadified as "not serious" (75% for mandatory vaccines only), a figure in line with the years and therefore emphasizes that Lorenzin's law did not result in an exponential increase in cases (whereas it rather contributed to increase immunization coverage). Most side effects are mild symptoms (such as fever and skin reactions at the injection site). Of the 6,696 reports inserted in 2017, 4,821 (72%) were for cases that occurred and were included in 2017, 1,718 (26%) were cases that occurred in previous years, 157 (2%) had a start date unspecified or absent

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Regarding reports Seriously inserted and occurred exclusively in 2017 for vaccines for the achievement of the obligation cases were 410. In 75.9% of cases, the patient suffered a complete resolution. Also during the year 2017, a total of 10 reports of suspected adverse reactions that resulted in a fatal outcome were included. Of these 3 cases, they relate to events that occurred in previous years (2001, 2015 and 2016 respectively) and 1 case related to an event that occurred at an unknown date. In eight out of ten cases, the causal link with vaccination was excluded (it is not just children, but six deaths in people over 65 who have been vaccinated against influenza). The only case of a pediatric patient vaccinated in 2017 and died concerns an 11-month-old boy who died of encephalitis. The coroner, even in light of the scientific literature, has failed to establish whether the disease was caused by the vaccination and, therefore, the case is "undetermined". Overall, it appears that compared to previous years, the introduction of the mandatory and consequent increase in immunization coverage did not result in a proportional increase in adverse effects and serious side effects

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