the results of a scientific research


L & # 39; extra virgin olive oil [VIDEO]could have a positive action on the beginning of you die intestine. To demonstrate this incredible beneficial property, these are the results of a recent research conducted by AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research). The study was conducted by a group of Bari researchers led by Professor Antonio Moschetta of Aldo Moro University and will be published in the November issue of the scientific journal of the sector.Gastroenterology". The study also drew on the collaboration of various scientists from different countries, who focused their interest on oleic acid and its effects on humans.

The results come from the study on oleic acid

L & # 39;oleic acid it is normally contained inoil extra virgin but it is also produced naturally by our body and its function is to determine a kind of barrier capable of stopping all the inflammatory states of the cells present in the intestine and possible epidemics of tumoral pathologies [VIDEO]. It would not be the first time that the molecule, protagonist of this research, would be related to this type of peculiarity and put in relation with the mechanism of prevention of the intestine. But the studies conducted so far have never been as detailed as those of the Bari researchers, so to be considered as "unprecedented". The positive answer, for the research team, came when the normal administration of oleic acid was banned by food intake.

The consequences for the body have been the appearance of inflammation in the tissues and the subsequent appearance of formations. tumor intestine.

l & # 39; oil extra virgin olive oil as a preventive treatment

According to Professor Moschetta, research has shown that the synthesis of oleic acid present in olive oil could protect the gut against Cancer. The underlying mechanism would be to create a barrier that blocks inflammation, the main cause of the onset of the disease. Therefore, suggest the systematic use of extra virgin olive oil, especially in the presence of patients with a hereditary predisposition to Colon Canceraccording to specialists, this would certainly be desirable. This time, it is not a question of commercializing the Italian product, but of the scientific results which crowned it, theextra virgin olive oil, not only as "prince" of the Mediterranean diet but also as a possible deterrent to the occurrence of serious diseases.

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