The robotic surgery of Spoleto returns to the world rank with the young Luigi Marano


With robotic surgery, Spoleto returns to the forefront of the international medical community. There is the super intervention performed by the thirty-five surgeon of San Matteo, Luigi Marano, in collaboration with Alessandro Spaziani, at the center of the publication on the ambitious WebSurg that gives prestige to the work of the hospital of Spoleto, where the surgery is directed by Giampaolo. Castagnoli, who recently opened the doors of the operating room to the latest generation of the Da Vinci robot.

Spoleto and robotic surgery The WebSurg platform belongs to the Ircad (research institute against cancer and the digestive system) and was launched in 2000 by Prof. Jacque Marescaux and his team who, in just 20 years, have transformed the project into a reference point in the field of e-learning of minimally invasive surgery, so that 400,000 white shirts from all over of the world. In particular, the robotic intervention carried out in Spoleto and published by WebSurg concerned a patient suffering from "oesophageal achalasia", which surgeons Marano and Spaziani underwent "an esothagic myotomy according to Heller with gastric esophagus-gastric according to Dor ", considered today as the gold standard for the treatment of acalasic pathology

Parla Marano "This recognition, in addition to being coveted by many Italian and foreign surgeons, is the fruit – says Marano – of intense work, started about 10 years ago. years at the esophagogastric surgery of the Second University of Naples, which involved many operators. In particular, a great impetus to functional esophageal surgery has been provided by Spoleto Castagnoli's primary through a close multidisciplinary collaboration (ENT, endoscopists, surgeons, nutritionists) with high professional skills, including a Dr. Maurizio Longaroni for functional esophagus study. I believe the results – he concluded – show that Spoleto surgery has a team that works. "

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