The secret of Meghan's cheekbones? Facial Gymnastics


No more than Meghan Markle? Do not throw away the sponge, because the new real of Buckinghan Palace manufactured in California is a source of continuous inspiration, a merit that is hard not to recognize . The thirty-six, a sailing actress who has become a princess, knows exactly how to show herself to the maximum each time she has to reveal herself to the world. Her beauty routine is a test of Queen Elizabeth II!


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Already in non-suspicious moments, when Meghan was playing Rachel Zane in the TV series Suits had revealed her secrets to be the most beautiful of the kingdom in an interview with And listen, listen, Meghan relies on the benefits of facial gymnastics


3 year Rejuvenation with Facial Gymnastics


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"I do facial exercises that I've been suggested by my trusted beautician, Nichola Joss. They have the power to carve the face from the inside to the outside. I swear it works, although it may seem like a strange cure. The days I run them, the cheeks and the jaws are much more sculpted. This is not a coincidence if it is in great demand during the Awards, when the actresses have to show themselves at the top. "

Nichola Joss, the woman who cares for the skin of the stars, For five years now that Meghan Markle, he would have chosen to do this job for a few stars , Scarlett Johansson, Hilary Swank, Gisele Bundchen and Gwyneth Paltrow For them was added Meghan Markle, who, in terms of Hollywood secrets is not a novice.For Nichola Joss , the Duchess of Susbad owes the volume and turgidity of her cheekbones, which are strategically amplified with a play of illuminants and bronze blush. The famous facialist is famous especially for his mbadages. with the hands inside the mouth to tone the facial muscles, the so-called " Interior Facials " Among the fans of the method, there Kate Moss and Alicia Keys According to the same skin guru, q If it is revealed to the Daily Mail, the treatment has no side effects and can also be done the same day when you have to walk on a red carpet, or as in the case of Meghan, to say "yes" "to your prince. Advantages? Eliminate any trace of tension or stress from the face

It's not so easy to go through his magic hands of Nichola Joss not only because a treatment costs it. equivalent in euros of $ 330, but because it gives appointments to a select few. For us mortals the skin guru Post mini videos on Instagram showing small mbadage pills, one of the last is dedicated to cheekbones and jaws, performed at the # 39, using an oil for the Decleor's face, with the toning and sculpting effect of the contour of the face. "The use of a facial oil mbadaged into the skin helps rebalance, moisturize and nourish, eliminate stress and eliminate muscle tension, but also reduce swelling and toxins and restore a healthier appearance to the skin." skin and facial muscles.


All we know about the beauty routine of Meghan Markle

We all know that mbadages have a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system and the drainage of liquids because Do not use this old technique to reduce swelling where it is needed?

Perhaps it will also be thanks to the effect Meghan, but there is no doubt that facial gymnastics, since the former actress has entered the life of Harry a year ago live a boom. In London, for example, Face Gym was born, from the motto "This is not a facial, but a workout" that opened in London, King's Road in January 2017 and in New York, just in time to respond to postal requests. marriage last april 2018.

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