The shock of child pornography for Netflix, what happens, video


The Netflix streaming service is under indictment. According to some users, a really strange and controversial scene undermines the integrity of the platform. A new film, recently titled "Desearás al hombre de tu hermana" and translated into English with "Desire", has triggered accusations of child badgraphy. This is what happens.

Netflix is ​​under indictment . The streaming platform used by millions of users has been accused of child badgraphy. The controversial scene that would have made some really shocking accusations would be the Argentine film entitled " Desearás al hombre de tu hermana " translated into English with " Desire ". To report the news is PJMedia which neatly tells the scandal that upsets Netflix

The film has important and clear implications in the erotic colors and so far nothing wrong, the charge of shock that would affect the dissemination of child badgraphy but that would put Netflix in the eye of the storm. One, in particular, the scene that more than others has triggered the indignation and anger of some users. The two main characters are seen playing while they fight with cushions, then begin to ride them. One of them, however, begins to rub on the pillow to enjoy it. This dynamic has been set resolutely shocking and there has obviously been controversy on the part of users, who have complained about the production, the director and the distribution channel.

Not only Netflix, but the director himself Diego Kaplan was indicted in his country. And on Facebook there is even someone who writes: "It only seems to me that they want to make pedophilia a socially acceptable badual orientation?" After the user reports, the movie and the footage are finished in the US FBI 's perspective and are likely to start censorship soon. The sequence was also attacked by Megan Fox who claimed to have reported the case to National Center for Missing and Exploited Children : "Netflix violates the law by distributing child badgraphy because the girl in question is clearly jerking off and that goes beyond the rules about "suggestive" content. Meanwhile, Kaplan's response to the accusations has also arrived, the director said, "Desire is a movie." When we see a shark eating a woman on the big screen, no one thinks that the woman is really dead or that the shark is real.We work in a world of fiction and, before being a director, I am a father. It is obvious that this scene was filmed using a trick represented by the fact that the girls were copying a cowboy scene from a John Ford movie. They never understood what they were doing, they simply copied what they saw at the time. screen. No adult interacted with them except the acting coach.All was done with the careful control of their mothers.As we knew that this sequence could cause some controversy, it There's a making of that reveals how the scene was shot. in the minds of the audience and how you think this sequence will run will depend on your level of depravity. "

 Netflix accused of child badgraphy: what's going on? [VIDEO]

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