The story of the three separated twins at birth is now a film (without a happy ending) – Cinema – Shows


Three separated twins at birth who grow miles apart from each other, in different environments and families, without knowing anything about each other. Then life makes discover and find another and the two together find the third. In the United States, the true story of the three twins that fated together has found space in all the newspapers, the three men now become famous, make appearances in open movies and restaurants. What better way to adapt to a film that could be a breath of fresh air, a source of good feelings for those who leave the cinema after seeing it? And in fact it is in these days in American theaters Three Identical Strangers, documentary directed by Tim Wardle who says yes the extraordinary meeting of the three, but unfortunately also the dramatic evolution of their history With the result that the film more than anything else, it becomes a source of reflection on human nature and leaves a feeling of bitterness rather than well-being.

Through the stories of the protagonists, witnesses of this incredible story and images of the repertoire, Wardle's documentary begins telling the story since 1980, when Robert Shafran, nineteen years old, is enrolled at Sullivan County Community College, in the state of New York. As often happens to many students on the first day of college, the feeling of insecurity and embarrbadment outweighs the illness, so Robert would like to be noticed as little as possible, move on unnoticed. And yet, the opposite happens to him: everyone smiles, says hello, asks him how he is going. But they call him Eddy, because it's Eddy Galland who traded him, a student who was in this college until recently.

Michael Domitz, Robert's roommate, will explain the misunderstanding to the newcomer: curly and black hair, same mouth, same smile. Even the same physicist, Robert and Eddy are both tall and broad shoulders. When Robert learns then that Eddy's birthday is July 12, 1961, he realizes that it's not just a matter of coincidences, Eddy is his twin brother. The two were separated at birth and their records were then managed by the Louise Wise Services agency. But now, fate has made them rediscover and, until now, the beautiful story is told by all newspapers and local TV channels. It's so that a queen of Queens discovers that twins are not two, but three and the third is her adopted son David. The three, gathered, are celebrated by half of the United States, appear on the covers of magazines, are photographed by Annie Leibovitz and participate, for a cameo, also in Desperately Wanted Susan the film with Madonna and Rosanna Arquette. In New York, their restaurant, Triplets, is becoming a fashionable place.

Why, however, no one, not even the adoptive parents, has told the truth? Lawrence Wright is the journalist of New Yorker, Pulitzer Prize, who will help the twins go back in time and discover that they are the three survivors of a quadrigemellar birth. Wright tells this part of the story, which is the dramatic part, in the documentary Three Identical Strangers: the newborns were the guinea pigs of the psychiatric experiments Peter Neubauer and Viola Bernard, whose goals were to understand how individuals with the same genes would behave in different environments. Robert, Eddy and David were then entrusted to three families of different social clbades, with the complicity of the adoption agency, Louise Wise Services, who, however, said, claims never to have nothing learned about the experiences.

Eddy's abducted life in 1995, he was suffering from depression, but many argue that he discovered that he had been the guinea pig of an experience throughout his life he made that tragic decision. Dr. Neubauer died in 2008. Can not ask questions, for his documentary Wardle, Natasha Josefowitz, the former badistant, aged ninety, intervenes at the psychiatrist who followed him in all his experiences. The woman tries to convince the director and the audience that what we have become in life, what we did depends on our genes. It is with the intention of proving that psychiatrists have separated the twins, making them grow in different realities and going to find them (like other separated twins) each year to test them. It is the opposite of the theory that almost everything we are depends on the nature and the environment in which we live. Tim Wardle gives space to both theses without supporting one or the other

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