"The Sunday of Parodi? I did not see it, better Barbara "


In 2014, Mara Venier bade farewell to Domenica In with the desire – she said – to retire. "I'm leaving, enough." But he then landed at Mediaset, first as judge of Tu Sì Que Vales then as a chronicler for Isola and "national aunt" in various TV shows. Today the popular hostess is preparing to return to Rai, at the head of the program which for nine seasons has forged in her image ( Domenica In ), in a long interview with He Messaggero recounts: "These far from the Rai were beautiful and very difficult

In 2015 my mother died after years of Alzheimer's, and I wanted to leave too. I've long been depressed, I could not react. I took it very badly. Then luckily I went back to work on Tu if vales thanks to Maria De Filippi who knew my situation. It's a real friend. Unica »

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Today, at age 67, Mara Venier is ready to return to TV, as a protagonist, her joy is irrepressible. "Four years ago, they told me that I was old.Now they called me back, searched and now I'm here .Tie!", Had He also told Vanityfair.it


Mara Venier: "When I was told that I was old for Domenica In"

Think that when Rai's proposal is come, Mara had almost said yes to a beautiful Discovery Channel offer. " Family Master Chef a program with very normal families who challenge themselves in the kitchen with the recipes of their personal tradition. episodes were going to air on the Nove, but at a work meeting – two months ago – they called me from Viale Mazzini: "Is the contract ready when you sign?" ". And she said one night after one night But for one edition only

"I want to close the circle Let's be clear: every director is right to make his choices, but Someone like me, who gave and received a lot to Rai, had to be treated in a more elegant and polite way. They disappeared, after letting me know that I was old. So, I'm doing a year of my Sunday in and then I would like to go back to doing different things. I hope Laura Carafoli, the superboss of Discovery still wants me. I had a good time with her and her team. As far as other professionals are concerned, Mara Venier confesses: "In the last edition of Domenica In that with the Parodi sisters, I only looked at at ] first episode. Not all. Then I changed the chain best Barbara (D & # 39; Urso, on Cbade 5, ndr ). "


" Domenica In ": Benedetta Parodi part

Barbara, the same woman who is going to give her a hard time in the fall "Stravincerà" His mix of laughter and tears, detritus and South American taste, is great. And then it took a lot of people at Rai1, "says Venier, that in order to fight against the shredded army of DomenicaLive has already decided to deploy Alessia Macari, 24 , "Ciociara winner of the first edition of GF Vip " And Gabriella Germani, "extraordinary imitator, who will lead the friends of Mara claiming to be Maria De Filippi, it will be a sort of Corrida with strange singers to judge. "

Of his former traveling companions – Giucas Casella, Giampiero Galeazzi, Stefano Masciarelli -, instead, there will be no one. "I would have taken them all, I love them, but the only issue I've had on the net is this: nothing from the past." Giampiero, he called me: Mara, I'm a driver taxi who takes the guests and takes them to the studio.I do Bisteccone 3131. Giucas m offered a horoscope, Stefano Masciarelli said that he was ready to become a dance teacher … I'm sorry. I hope to have them for at least one Sunday. "

And the" mythical "Luca Giurato? "He called me from Miami, now he lives there, to tell me to be happy for me."
Cristiano Malgioglio, who claims to have refused Rai's offer? "No. I would have taken it for an episode, but the director of Raiuno does not like it. Christian says so now, but in recent months he has often called me to have a column. "

Said, Mara Venier, who will come back to do the interviews that made the order of the crazy journalists." Yes sure. The controversy was there because I invited the politicians, but mine never had a journalistic break. "And in his wish list, he puts" Salvini, Di Maio, Berlusconi, Renzi ". Maurizio Martina no, because the new secretary of the Democratic Party "is not popular enough."

Those of D'Urso like them ?, Question Il Messaggero . "Yes. He has a family relationship with politicians. "
Apart from games and entertainment, what themes will you confront Domenica In ? "I would like to give space to women, I am 67 years old and on some issues I will not accept conditioning." So woe to fall in the trash. "Episodes like the 2006 Pappalardo-Zequila fight will be avoided at all costs. "From September 23, we will see


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