"The Throne of Swords 8 will be full of dead". Sophie Turner's words


That's right, you're right, the eighth season of the world's most famous fantasy series, The Throne of the Swords will be the most bloody and devastating of all. To confirm this is nothing more than a member of the Stark family, Sophie Turner as well as the beautiful red Sansa Stark who in a recent interview, said some news about the eighth season arrived in 2019 .

" I can only tell you that many characters will eventually find each other. Everyone is coming together to fight the imminent danger. There will be a lot of tension between the different groups, who will fight for what they believe to be right "says Turner. For those who know the saga knows that the actress will certainly refer to the real enemy of the series HBO on Estranei oi Non-Morti and this makes allusion to the decisive confrontation.

"But it's still Game of Thrones, so it will be bloodier, there will be many more deaths and it will be emotionally more devastating than all the other years" then continues in l & # 39; interview. In short, if you were hoping for a happy ending, give up hope. Turner's words thus confirm that many characters will not survive last season, and although anxiety consumes a little, we will have to wait until 2019 to find out who will be held in the huge Sword throne ring. 19659002] Regarding Sansa, Sophie also reveals her point of view about her character: "I felt that she was learning and adapting to what was happening to her and, sooner or later, she would have all seen the result and would turn into a warrior. When that happened, I felt very satisfied, I am very happy with the story of his scenario " explains and we can not do anything other than d & # 39; to be in agreement …

Sansa Stark, probably, is one of the characters who has evolved positively, from the first to the seventh season and who knows what will hold us back at the eighth arrival in the spring next!

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