The Tour de France officially blocks Chris Froome:


Paris (AFP) – The organizers of the Tour de France have officially prevented quadruple champion Chris Froome from participating in this year's race, Le Monde reported Sunday, but he should fight

. He was under the cloud because he had twice the permissible amount of Salbutamol in his system during the Vuelta a Espana, which he won in September 1965, Bernard Hinault, five-time winner of the Tour, who worked for the organization of the Tour. years, called the peloton to hit if the British driver aligns at the beginning of this year 's event next Saturday.

Froome responded Wednesday that he will participate in this year's race. quoted Team Sky In response to Sunday's report, they are "confident that Chris will be on the tour because we know that he has done nothing wrong".

A decision on the organizers' attempt to prevent the Briton from participating in it should be manufactured by the Frenc The National Olympic and Sports Committee, which is due to deliver its verdict on Tuesday, said after the last effort to l & # 39; excluded.

Technically, while Froome is awaiting the outcome of an ongoing investigation into his Salbutamol affair, he may still

Amaury Sports Organization (ASO), organizer of the iconic Tour, declined to comment the report, although AFP has received confirmation of the information according to which the defending champion should not be allowed to run

According to the letter of the regulation, Froome is allowed to travel up to the end of the year. to a final decision of the Anti-Doping Tribunal of the International Cycling Union regarding his ongoing case

Le Monde says that Froome will not necessarily attend Tuesday's meeting. by the French committee with their decision due Wednesday.

It will be defended by British sports lawyer Mike Morgan, a francophone, in front of the UCI court.

Sky, ASO and the French Olympic Committee Everyone will choose a referee to decide if Froome should be allowed to start the Tour.

According to the statutes of the Tour, the organizers may prohibit a rider or a team if their presence is considered likely to damage the image or the reputation of the organizers. The event

David Lappartient, president of the UCI, reacts to this story on the sidelines of the national championships of France

"For the moment, here we have a leak in The World." J & # 39; I have always said that we would let the general position of the UCI before the Tour and that will be the case.It will start next Saturday and we will explain our position over the coming week, "Lappartient said.

Team Sky has not yet unveiled its team of eight players

Froome, who denies having committed misdeeds. Finding "September 20 last year, came out to emulate the five-time winners Hinault, Jacques Anquetil, Eddy Merckx and Miguel Indurain.

A win this year would make Froome the second runner after Merckx to win four rounds American Lance Armstrong finished first seven consecutive times, but these results were eliminated retrospectively due to drug use.

Hinault, whose 1985 victory gave her last title in the host country, sees Froome as a "cheater."

Froome Giro's victory in May makes him the first man to hold the three grand rounds at once since Hinault himself in 1983.

But The World commented that "the Tour de France wants to avoid at all costs in the same situation as at the one hundred Tour of Italy where the final victory of Froome is now marked with an asterisk. "

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